Total portfolio value
+2.38% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
Broccoli 1.62 M Broccoli | $2.95 k | -15.44% | $0²181 | |
BNB 3.28 BNB | $2.14 k | -0.80% | $651.19 | |
PRINTR 8.77 M PRINTR | $1.82 k | -1.70% | $0³208 | |
DISK 781.53 M DISK | $1.10 k | -3.14% | $0⁵128 | |
BNBXBT 130.00 k BNBXBT | $678.65 | -12.46% | $0²510 | |
BOB 70.43 B BOB | $426.68 | +0.57% | $0⁸590 | |
AICEO 11.14 M AICEO | $415.44 | -3.47% | $0⁴376 | |
Biao 1.59 M Biao | $367.69 | +305.89% | $0³234 | |
BINK 300.00 k BINK | $273.42 | -5.62% | $0³913 | |
Petunia 871.28 k Petunia | $209.53 | +24.48% | $0³231 | |
BAI 11.50 M BAI | $166.49 | -92.23% | $0⁴249 | |
hulezhi 16.72 M hulezhi | $151.90 | -21.85% | $0⁵891 | |
AICZ 250.00 k AICZ | $151.35 | -13.79% | $0³610 | |
FourAi 514.66 k FourAi | $113.79 | +21.96% | $0³208 | |
longevity 1.58 M longevity | $100.73 | +0.74% | $0⁴634 | |
YZI 2.17 M YZI | $95.55 | -8.63% | $0⁴414 | |
CZPEPE 374.73 k CZPEPE | $92.02 | +25.68% | $0³246 | |
AICell 11.61 k AICell | $91.07 | +4.99% | $0²782 | |
BAC 7.02 k BAC | $88.19 | -8.33% | $0.01 | |
DUO 6.09 M DUO | $71.17 | -8.09% | $0⁴116 | |
BEE 1.68 M BEE | $57.12 | -8.54% | $0⁴343 | |
CHEN 771.46 k CHEN | $44.55 | +36.21% | $0⁴586 | |
Hurricane 4.44 M Hurricane | $43.78 | -20.57% | $0⁵978 | |
NGMI 1.88 B NGMI | $40.71 | +1.90% | $0⁷214 | |
Mars 22.34 k Mars | $22.96 | -5.65% | $0²103 |
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