Total portfolio value
-3.74% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
VTC 10.00 M VTC | $15.59 | - | $0⁵153 | |
LRC 50.74 LRC | $10.23 | +0.49% | $0.20 | |
BNB 0.01 BNB | $9.34 | +1.66% | $697.35 | |
SHU 576.07 SHU | $8.94 | - | $0.02 | |
MEME 672.00 MEME | $7.21 | +0.22% | $0.01 | |
ETH 0²200 ETH | $6.69 | -0.77% | $3,343.73 | |
crvUSDBTCETH 0²307 crvUSDBTCETH | $3.87 | -1.19% | $2,223.69 | |
KATS 192.39 B KATS | $3.26 | - | $0¹⁰170 | |
KUNKUN 478.85 k KUNKUN | $3.11 | -50.16% | $0⁵435 | |
OPFLOW 8.14 k OPFLOW | $2.33 | - | $0³287 | |
WagieBot 104.40 WagieBot | $1.39 | - | $0.01 | |
CBE 7.66 M CBE | $1.14 | -4.99% | $0⁶149 | |
ZETA 1.79 ZETA | $1.02 | +1.99% | $0.57 | |
RATIO 96.70 k RATIO | $0.92 | - | $0⁵954 | |
NVS 63.38 M NVS | $0.35 | - | $0⁸556 | |
MOJO 19.06 MOJO | $0.33 | -4.67% | $0.02 | |
AMA 1.24 k AMA | $0.26 | -7.40% | $0³212 | |
PC 5.98 k PC | $0.24 | - | $0⁴406 | |
MATIC 0.36 MATIC | $0.17 | +0.16% | $0.48 | |
FAR 10.00 FAR | $0.10 | -9.74% | $0.01 | |
CCAIT 4.00 k CCAIT | $0.08 | - | $0⁴196 | |
BUCK 5.10 k BUCK | $0.06 | -0.11% | $0⁴115 | |
WPOL 0.09 WPOL | $0.04 | +0.17% | $0.48 | |
GF 1.68 M GF | $0.03 | - | $0⁷185 | |
CDOGE 15.86 k CDOGE | $0.01 | +0.05% | $0⁶819 |
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