Total portfolio value
-4.04% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
ETH 12.61 ETH | $42.06 k | -4.16% | $3,333.93 | |
sKLIMA 831.68 sKLIMA | $765.01 | -11.01% | $0.90 | |
MATIC 5.27 MATIC | $2.52 | -7.83% | $0.48 | |
WBTC 0⁴253 WBTC | $2.43 | -2.93% | $95,648.67 | |
FRAX 1.99 FRAX | $1.98 | -0.93% | $0.99 | |
ANY 1.00 ANY | $1.72 | -1.22% | $1.73 | |
USDT 0.60 USDT | $0.60 | -0.01% | $1.00 | |
THANKS 78.48 THANKS | $0.05 | - | $0³575 | |
AAVE 0⁴699 AAVE | $0.02 | -9.65% | $334.34 | |
EVE 10.00 EVE | $0.01 | -0.04% | $0²131 | |
SPAY 0.28 SPAY | $0.01 | - | $0.04 | |
YBE 0.02 YBE | $0.00 | - | $0.03 | |
SUSHI 0⁴963 SUSHI | $0.00 | -10.44% | $1.44 | |
WSG 500.00 k WSG | $0.00 | -1.30% | $0⁹229 | |
PolyDoge 2.11 k PolyDoge | $0.00 | -8.02% | $0⁷118 | |
FREE 66.00 FREE | $0.00 | - | $0⁶166 | |
CKIE 0⁴275 CKIE | $0.00 | -8.53% | $0.07 | |
TITAN 27.69 TITAN | $0.00 | -1.27% | $0⁷149 | |
O2 0²100 O2 | $0.00 | - | $0⁴529 | |
POLY 0.05 POLY | $0.00 | - | $0⁶585 | |
IRON 0⁴581 IRON | $0.00 | +3.49% | $0³202 | |
WPT 0⁶254 WPT | $0.00 | -20.86% | $0³565 | |
PolyBabyDoge 100.00 PolyBabyDoge | $0.00 | +0.47% | $0¹³424 | |
QUICK 0¹⁶620 QUICK | $0.00 | -6.85% | $42.69 | |
aBNBc 7,777,777,777,777.78 E aBNBc | $0.00 | - | $0¹²241 |
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