Total portfolio value
-3.85% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
WEN 1.42 M WEN | $2.23 k | -5.91% | $0²156 | |
Gamer 287.90 M Gamer | $426.09 | +0.47% | $0⁵156 | |
KIRO 29.84 M KIRO | $237.47 | +1.33% | $0⁵794 | |
DIGI 6.06 k DIGI | $166.44 | +0.61% | $0.03 | |
ETH 0.05 ETH | $117.19 | -5.69% | $2,340.43 | |
PTRT 9.90 M PTRT | $84.53 | - | $0⁵773 | |
GME 4.30 B GME | $72.80 | - | $0⁷167 | |
QAO 1.53 M QAO | $70.94 | - | $0⁴459 | |
FLOWER 900.00 FLOWER | $70.77 | - | $0.08 | |
ATOM 9.00 M ATOM | $64.56 | - | $0⁵718 | |
RCE 528.69 M RCE | $60.10 | - | $0⁶112 | |
USDT 58.02 USDT | $57.93 | -0.01% | $1.00 | |
FULI 4.87 B FULI | $49.14 | - | $0⁷100 | |
$Sluts 3.46 B $Sluts | $46.50 | - | $0⁷134 | |
HOMER 9.77 M HOMER | $42.32 | - | $0⁵423 | |
佩佩 3.02 B 佩佩 | $39.24 | - | $0⁷130 | |
XA 11.53 M XA | $39.08 | - | $0⁵328 | |
TURDEAU 12.28 k TURDEAU | $36.96 | - | $0²301 | |
HARAMBE 300.00 M HARAMBE | $32.21 | - | $0⁶106 | |
$PAW 5.75 M $PAW | $31.48 | - | $0⁵547 | |
BRETT 7.00 M BRETT | $30.73 | - | $0⁵438 | |
NUT 568.50 M NUT | $29.76 | -13.70% | $0⁷495 | |
PGAI 700.00 k PGAI | $29.72 | - | $0⁴422 | |
BDOG 4.25 M BDOG | $23.30 | - | $0⁵549 | |
$DC 695.56 k $DC | $16.87 | - | $0⁴239 |
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