Total portfolio value
-1.49% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
POL 823.54 POL | $235.45 | -2.98% | $0.29 | |
VISION 239.44 VISION | $41.99 | -3.27% | $0.17 | |
SHIB 2.03 M SHIB | $30.19 | -4.06% | $0⁴149 | |
DogeKing 6.29 B DogeKing | $24.95 | -1.43% | $0⁸395 | |
ETH 0²731 ETH | $19.86 | -1.52% | $2,710.03 | |
413 5.95 413 | $14.52 | +32.15% | $2.63 | |
DOGO 109.70 B DOGO | $13.54 | +0.01% | $0⁹123 | |
101 33.70 101 | $12.37 | - | $0.38 | |
BNB 0.02 BNB | $11.66 | -3.37% | $643.52 | |
SW 20.03 k SW | $11.37 | +2.42% | $0³588 | |
Bzzt 105.79 Bzzt | $11.15 | -4.34% | $0.11 | |
TRUMP 341.41 k TRUMP | $10.98 | -2.07% | $0⁴322 | |
XRP 4.30 XRP | $10.67 | -2.72% | $2.48 | |
Bzzone 128.39 Bzzone | $10.29 | -0.85% | $0.08 | |
Nusic 13.57 k Nusic | $10.21 | - | $0³754 | |
Worker 3.29 k Worker | $9.86 | +0.44% | $0²284 | |
511 10.04 511 | $9.14 | - | $0.91 | |
DOGE 30.01 DOGE | $6.89 | -5.61% | $0.23 | |
CPLE 11.88 CPLE | $6.66 | +0.57% | $0.56 | |
PEPE 546.82 k PEPE | $4.92 | -4.81% | $0⁵901 | |
WEB4 5.15 B WEB4 | $4.38 | -1.70% | $0⁹850 | |
DeepSeek 167.85 DeepSeek | $2.61 | -4.15% | $0.02 | |
ZhouKing 59.42 M ZhouKing | $2.38 | +0.68% | $0⁷399 | |
ZHEERGEN 88.71 M ZHEERGEN | $1.87 | -3.17% | $0⁷210 | |
FIL 0.50 FIL | $1.64 | -3.83% | $3.30 |
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