Total portfolio value
-3.66% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
Petunia 6.59 M Petunia | $1.50 k | -17.01% | $0³227 | |
BNC 4.08 M BNC | $1.39 k | -3.23% | $0³341 | |
PAGER 11.65 B PAGER | $534.85 | +0.18% | $0⁷460 | |
Robotaxi 3.24 B Robotaxi | $326.11 | +0.86% | $0⁶100 | |
OMALLEY 7.72 M OMALLEY | $288.04 | +3.53% | $0⁴374 | |
MISHA 621.66 M MISHA | $281.24 | +2.26% | $0⁶451 | |
CATS 888.33 B CATS | $268.33 | -0.43% | $0⁹302 | |
FAC 2.48 k FAC | $260.44 | -0.55% | $0.11 | |
KERMIT 5.86 M KERMIT | $247.71 | +1.77% | $0⁴422 | |
MEMES 1.51 B MEMES | $243.78 | +1.45% | $0⁶162 | |
x286 2.56 M x286 | $238.37 | -26.43% | $0⁴930 | |
MARV 692.15 B MARV | $220.51 | +1.38% | $0⁹318 | |
KUMA 1.41 B KUMA | $212.86 | -17.92% | $0⁶154 | |
MAUI 1.38 B MAUI | $207.71 | -8.38% | $0⁶150 | |
TAKKI 1.20 B TAKKI | $195.65 | -36.60% | $0⁶175 | |
RAINBOW 3.70 B RAINBOW | $164.38 | - | $0⁷533 | |
Gamer 73.17 M Gamer | $152.20 | -8.23% | $0⁵206 | |
COLOSSUS 5.56 M COLOSSUS | $147.65 | - | $0⁴261 | |
CASPER 14.90 M CASPER | $143.58 | +48.83% | $0⁵913 | |
ETH 0.05 ETH | $140.47 | +0.85% | $2,791.28 | |
MOON 1.93 M MOON | $138.70 | - | $0⁴719 | |
ZLURP 7.35 M ZLURP | $105.78 | - | $0⁴144 | |
DOLPHY 764.32 M DOLPHY | $104.63 | +6.10% | $0⁶138 | |
PAMBO 3.27 T PAMBO | $96.14 | - | $0¹⁰291 | |
MUFFIN 3.41 M MUFFIN | $90.58 | - | $0⁴252 |
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