Total portfolio value
-2.20% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
BNB 34.44 BNB | $22.55 k | -2.27% | $655.13 | |
USDT 867.14 USDT | $867.11 | -0.01% | $1.00 | |
CAKER 48.06 M CAKER | $67.03 | - | $0⁵140 | |
Jessie 17.41 M Jessie | $50.33 | - | $0⁵286 | |
BTST 8.81 M BTST | $35.96 | - | $0⁵397 | |
Kermit 3.96 M Kermit | $26.26 | -3.80% | $0⁵668 | |
TST 220.48 TST | $23.01 | -16.72% | $0.11 | |
SURELY 3.96 k SURELY | $0.06 | -0.97% | $0⁴139 | |
PRINTR 0⁸100 PRINTR | $0.00 | +24.86% | $0³278 | |
PEPE 0⁸100 PEPE | $0.00 | - | $0⁴899 | |
PILL 0⁸100 PILL | $0.00 | -26.07% | $0⁴501 | |
CZ 0¹¹112 CZ | $0.00 | -7.00% | $0.04 | |
Petunia 0⁹137 Petunia | $0.00 | -16.16% | $0³227 | |
JESSIE 0⁹688 JESSIE | $0.00 | +570.33% | $0⁴738 | |
Broccoli 0¹¹183 Broccoli | $0.00 | +2.77% | $0.01 | |
Broccoli 0¹²458 Broccoli | $0.00 | +24.11% | $0.04 | |
Biao 0⁹109 Biao | $0.00 | +149.11% | $0³161 | |
BSCXBT 0⁹405 BSCXBT | $0.00 | +137.34% | $0³161 | |
BABYBROCCOLI 0¹⁰651 BABYBROCCOLI | $0.00 | +36.32% | $0³204 | |
THREE 0⁸100 THREE | $0.00 | +21.35% | $0⁴107 | |
PEIPEI 0⁹741 PEIPEI | $0.00 | - | $0⁴139 | |
QUBY 0⁹562 QUBY | $0.00 | +9.69% | $0⁴118 | |
GROK 0⁹201 GROK | $0.00 | -18.51% | $0⁴231 | |
BRINT 0⁸100 BRINT | $0.00 | -0.57% | $0⁵464 | |
Pikachu 0⁸114 Pikachu | $0.00 | - | $0⁵396 |
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