Total portfolio value
-0.24% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
STELLARISE 79.91 M STELLARISE | $4.35 | - | $0⁷544 | |
MOOCHII 3.21 B MOOCHII | $4.09 | +1.28% | $0⁸127 | |
ANUBI 170.04 B ANUBI | $2.34 | +0.14% | $0¹⁰137 | |
NFTART 58.75 B NFTART | $0.65 | -3.85% | $0¹⁰110 | |
PANDA 460.00 M PANDA | $0.44 | +0.36% | $0⁹968 | |
SGAZE 24.04 B SGAZE | $0.44 | - | $0¹⁰183 | |
FSAFE 305.18 M FSAFE | $0.30 | +0.86% | $0⁸107 | |
DOGE 0.85 DOGE | $0.28 | +0.52% | $0.33 | |
GDOGE 111.81 B GDOGE | $0.17 | -0.19% | $0¹¹151 | |
RISKMOON 337.60 M RISKMOON | $0.16 | - | $0⁹515 | |
SAFELIGHT 402.94 M SAFELIGHT | $0.13 | -0.43% | $0⁹353 | |
TORPEDO 324.46 M TORPEDO | $0.11 | +1.20% | $0⁹341 | |
XSPACE 142.80 M XSPACE | $0.09 | +0.59% | $0⁹646 | |
420x 288.89 M 420x | $0.09 | +1.25% | $0⁹328 | |
PIGM 709.42 B PIGM | $0.07 | - | $0¹²105 | |
FASTMOON 97.61 M FASTMOON | $0.06 | - | $0⁹654 | |
MOONPIRATE 5.15 B MOONPIRATE | $0.05 | +0.01% | $0¹⁰102 | |
START 1.00 START | $0.04 | +1.20% | $0.04 | |
Cake 0.01 Cake | $0.03 | +1.81% | $2.03 | |
BABYCAKE 3.11 k BABYCAKE | $0.02 | +0.24% | $0⁵682 | |
SpacePi 5.00 M SpacePi | $0.00 | -0.15% | $0⁹927 | |
AFEN 70.81 AFEN | $0.00 | -2.28% | $0⁴475 | |
MFET 13.21 MFET | $0.00 | -11.54% | $0³113 | |
ECP 430.59 k ECP | $0.00 | +0.10% | $0⁸321 | |
DOGGGO 6.57 M DOGGGO | $0.00 | +0.44% | $0¹⁰206 |
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