Total portfolio value
-11.61% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
Tai 54.76 k Tai | $225.32 | -13.86% | $0ยฒ411 | |
ATH 5.20 k ATH | $163.80 | -9.47% | $0.03 | |
ETH 0.07 ETH | $158.81 | -9.89% | $2,402.37 | |
$WELF 126.18 $WELF | $125.10 | -12.86% | $0.99 | |
GPU 320.41 GPU | $123.04 | -17.65% | $0.38 | |
M87 1.11 M M87 | $95.30 | -5.52% | $0โด859 | |
AUTOS 5.34 k AUTOS | $87.36 | -17.39% | $0.02 | |
ALU 1.72 k ALU | $81.69 | -18.20% | $0.05 | |
PEPE 9.64 M PEPE | $76.52 | -9.01% | $0โต795 | |
CHEX 263.87 CHEX | $70.63 | -25.25% | $0.27 | |
AIOZ 194.84 AIOZ | $65.56 | -15.41% | $0.34 | |
BNB 0.10 BNB | $60.98 | -4.52% | $608.33 | |
MSTR 219.04 MSTR | $54.06 | -19.06% | $0.25 | |
NEURAL 12.91 NEURAL | $49.46 | -16.38% | $3.82 | |
FORT 474.36 FORT | $46.06 | -17.70% | $0.10 | |
RSR 5.78 k RSR | $42.60 | -6.72% | $0ยฒ739 | |
MATIC 132.29 MATIC | $34.54 | -7.63% | $0.26 | |
MA 2.87 k MA | $29.09 | -9.52% | $0.01 | |
POL 99.94 POL | $26.07 | -7.54% | $0.26 | |
AKITA 43.61 k AKITA | $24.16 | -9.19% | $0ยณ591 | |
NAKA 48.86 NAKA | $20.65 | -12.87% | $0.42 | |
METAL 3.48 k METAL | $20.07 | -11.74% | $0ยฒ577 | |
RISE 2.09 k RISE | $20.02 | -27.29% | $0ยฒ955 | |
FMC 4.25 k FMC | $3.49 | +9.36% | $0ยณ842 | |
MORPHAI 107.10 MORPHAI | $2.19 | -15.53% | $0.02 |
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