Total portfolio value
-0.88% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
CATBREAD 5.42 B CATBREAD | $3.28 | - | $0⁹605 | |
MA 35.83 B MA | $1.07 | - | $0¹⁰288 | |
FORTUNE 168.90 B FORTUNE | $0.43 | - | $0¹¹256 | |
WEEDMOON 1.69 B WEEDMOON | $0.41 | - | $0⁹246 | |
MOONSTAR 290.84 M MOONSTAR | $0.40 | -2.46% | $0⁸150 | |
FBIRD 34.29 B FBIRD | $0.30 | - | $0¹¹866 | |
AL 41.24 B AL | $0.27 | - | $0¹¹656 | |
PIT 601.67 M PIT | $0.18 | -2.63% | $0⁹315 | |
ePara 9.76 B ePara | $0.17 | - | $0¹⁰178 | |
SAFELIGHT 288.13 M SAFELIGHT | $0.09 | - | $0⁹353 | |
LitleFan 42.25 M LitleFan | $0.05 | - | $0⁸117 | |
HAPPY 17.86 M HAPPY | $0.04 | +0.67% | $0⁸242 | |
Greenz 69.54 B Greenz | $0.04 | - | $0¹²591 | |
ASS 34.68 M ASS | $0.03 | -2.65% | $0⁸102 | |
MVC 91.99 k MVC | $0.03 | - | $0⁶318 | |
420x 90.54 M 420x | $0.03 | +1.25% | $0⁹328 | |
LittleArgon 53.76 B LittleArgon | $0.01 | - | $0¹²164 | |
Wcomp 1.91 Wcomp | $0.00 | - | $0⁴529 | |
WSG 500.00 k WSG | $0.00 | -3.48% | $0⁹202 | |
ECP 149.00 ECP | $0.00 | -1.07% | $0⁸317 | |
SAFEMARS 3.40 SAFEMARS | $0.00 | -2.50% | $0⁸818 | |
SAT 0.57 SAT | $0.00 | +0.45% | $0⁸130 | |
CUM 129.42 M CUM | $0.00 | +4.41% | $0¹¹290 | |
SamuraiSky 21.28 M SamuraiSky | $0.00 | - | $0¹⁰137 | |
FSM 187.38 B FSM | $0.00 | - | $0¹²329 |
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