Total portfolio value
-3.30% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
MARS 8.01 B MARS | $37.99 k | -5.42% | $0⁵474 | |
KOIN 200.20 B KOIN | $12.73 k | +0.23% | $0⁷629 | |
GMEDOG 9.74 B GMEDOG | $9.35 k | - | $0⁶960 | |
PEPEMOG 15.76 B PEPEMOG | $6.72 k | - | $0⁶426 | |
DJIA 31.67 M DJIA | $3.14 k | -8.81% | $0⁴991 | |
QQQ 29.71 M QQQ | $2.14 k | -8.91% | $0⁴720 | |
BTCACT 100.86 k BTCACT | $673.87 | -4.95% | $0²668 | |
SAPO 1.00 M SAPO | $637.35 | -10.79% | $0³637 | |
DOGE 1.55 B DOGE | $554.82 | - | $0⁶356 | |
SEX 1.80 M SEX | $345.51 | -9.69% | $0³191 | |
BOM 6.89 B BOM | $307.71 | -8.94% | $0⁷446 | |
BON 14.52 B BON | $300.33 | -16.52% | $0⁷206 | |
SHISO 56.14 M SHISO | $251.60 | - | $0⁵448 | |
BTC 507.10 k BTC | $233.28 | - | $0³460 | |
Mechazilla 34.00 M Mechazilla | $220.76 | - | $0⁵649 | |
V99 5.44 M V99 | $176.38 | - | $0⁴324 | |
BROT 21.03 B BROT | $157.02 | -23.74% | $0⁸746 | |
ETH 0.05 ETH | $120.89 | -5.45% | $2,337.64 | |
MARS 21.80 M MARS | $105.99 | -5.19% | $0⁵482 | |
MASA 60.48 B MASA | $104.06 | - | $0⁸172 | |
$GIRLS 30.00 M $GIRLS | $102.25 | - | $0⁵340 | |
SPR 10.00 M SPR | $81.11 | - | $0⁵811 | |
47 533.36 k 47 | $74.00 | - | $0³138 | |
AMOG 4.21 B AMOG | $70.31 | - | $0⁷167 | |
CPI6900 5.00 B CPI6900 | $61.79 | - | $0⁷123 |
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