Total portfolio value
-33.42% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
4 180.89 k 4 | $823.07 | -49.50% | $0²483 | |
ATM 3.11 M ATM | $17.32 | -6.28% | $0⁵556 | |
SAFU 77.81 k SAFU | $16.85 | +89.05% | $0³178 | |
YzY 1.07 M YzY | $14.84 | -2.66% | $0⁴115 | |
AITST 1.03 M AITST | $10.86 | -55.58% | $0⁵990 | |
BasedAI 998.35 k BasedAI | $10.63 | -12.03% | $0⁴105 | |
INFIA 2.26 M INFIA | $9.74 | -3.57% | $0⁵430 | |
BABYfSP 1.38 M BABYfSP | $8.15 | +2.21% | $0⁵569 | |
Hurricane 849.12 k Hurricane | $8.10 | -7.95% | $0⁵962 | |
MYSHELL 344.06 k MYSHELL | $7.47 | +25.51% | $0⁴219 | |
BNB 0.01 BNB | $7.46 | -2.65% | $639.58 | |
$CATAI 986.19 k $CATAI | $4.92 | - | $0⁵499 | |
Slerf 69.45 k Slerf | $4.69 | -7.89% | $0⁴682 | |
RWT 147.83 k RWT | $2.15 | -77.73% | $0⁴198 | |
4Burn 126.02 k 4Burn | $1.64 | -59.60% | $0⁴131 | |
Kermit 231.65 k Kermit | $1.52 | -5.07% | $0⁵657 | |
BabyBroccoli 101.17 k BabyBroccoli | $0.93 | - | $0⁵895 | |
WBNB 0⁵225 WBNB | $0.00 | -2.65% | $639.58 | |
ch-art 1.32 M ch-art | $0.00 | -16.39% | $0⁵519 | |
Broccoli 100.00 B Broccoli | $0.00 | -1.83% | $0¹⁰196 | |
NEZHA 10.26 NEZHA | $0.00 | - | $0⁷565 |
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