Total portfolio value
+1.84% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
CSWAP 740.29 k CSWAP | $22.73 k | +3.60% | $0.03 | |
BNB 3.14 BNB | $2.05 k | -2.46% | $653.89 | |
HashAI 4.24 M HashAI | $2.00 k | +3.67% | $0³465 | |
USDT 1.05 k USDT | $1.05 k | - | $1.00 | |
ETH 0.06 ETH | $159.88 | +0.85% | $2,791.28 | |
MOON 3.53 M MOON | $159.24 | -8.95% | $0⁴451 | |
FKZachXBT 1.89 B FKZachXBT | $95.73 | - | $0⁷507 | |
SAYLOR 53.68 M SAYLOR | $63.91 | - | $0⁵118 | |
SULLA 3.45 B SULLA | $58.95 | -4.27% | $0⁷167 | |
YILONG 3.81 M YILONG | $57.68 | +19.63% | $0⁴151 | |
Siri 6.25 B Siri | $46.02 | - | $0⁸710 | |
ADORA 4.64 M ADORA | $40.43 | -17.20% | $0⁵873 | |
GROKAI 13.23 M GROKAI | $40.16 | - | $0⁵304 | |
BFROGE 66.16 k BFROGE | $37.27 | - | $0³563 | |
SOG 9.32 k SOG | $36.12 | - | $0²384 | |
TRUMPDONALD 1.52 M TRUMPDONALD | $33.73 | - | $0⁴221 | |
HOBBES 10.20 k HOBBES | $32.77 | - | $0²319 | |
STILTON 2.06 M STILTON | $31.72 | - | $0⁴150 | |
ZERPAAY 69.67 M ZERPAAY | $30.13 | - | $0⁶431 | |
GG 50.00 M GG | $30.10 | - | $0⁶602 | |
BINNY 7.88 M BINNY | $29.36 | -4.73% | $0⁵366 | |
ᗪOᖇKᒪOᖇᗪ 1.69 T ᗪOᖇKᒪOᖇᗪ | $26.23 | - | $0¹⁰155 | |
FREECZ 293.84 k FREECZ | $25.44 | - | $0⁴866 | |
456 9.28 M 456 | $23.21 | - | $0⁵249 | |
SQUID 58.52 M SQUID | $23.01 | - | $0⁶389 |
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