Total portfolio value
-2.06% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
BNB 1.99 BNB | $1.30 k | -2.01% | $656.28 | |
MOIRA 2.43 k MOIRA | $60.22 | -2.61% | $0.02 | |
AVOCZDO 5.54 M AVOCZDO | $25.97 | +1.52% | $0⁵468 | |
bBroccoli 375.00 B bBroccoli | $23.13 | -1.35% | $0¹⁰605 | |
pBNB 500.00 B pBNB | $11.10 | - | $0¹⁰220 | |
cX 2.31 M cX | $6.74 | -22.78% | $0⁵291 | |
TST 45.07 TST | $4.85 | -20.62% | $0.11 | |
RISE 2.19 M RISE | $2.99 | - | $0⁵122 | |
Broccoli 1.35 k Broccoli | $2.16 | -16.13% | $0²161 | |
SHIB 108.53 k SHIB | $1.68 | -1.47% | $0⁴154 | |
POL 4.70 POL | $1.38 | -1.19% | $0.29 | |
ETH 0³290 ETH | $0.81 | +1.73% | $2,815.59 | |
CAKEDOG 3.82 k CAKEDOG | $0.71 | +5.98% | $0³184 | |
Broccoli 14.14 Broccoli | $0.58 | +23.58% | $0.04 | |
GORPLE 671.86 GORPLE | $0.41 | -1.63% | $0³604 | |
BONE 0.89 BONE | $0.26 | +0.93% | $0.29 | |
BUSD 0.22 BUSD | $0.22 | -0.07% | $1.02 | |
FLAME 22.98 FLAME | $0.21 | -1.49% | $0²913 | |
SURELY 3.96 k SURELY | $0.06 | -3.06% | $0⁴140 | |
SQUID2 39.40 k SQUID2 | $0.00 | - | $0⁷756 | |
FLOKITA 412.71 FLOKITA | $0.00 | -1.70% | $0⁵396 | |
FLOKI 0.57 FLOKI | $0.00 | -4.74% | $0⁴934 | |
MBGA 0⁹310 MBGA | $0.00 | +20.81% | $0⁴170 | |
MIYAKO 0⁹125 MIYAKO | $0.00 | -19.30% | $0⁴264 | |
WOLF 0¹⁰118 WOLF | $0.00 | -4.09% | $0³276 |
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