Total portfolio value
+2.04% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
DRGN 7.26 k DRGN | $525.18 | +2.04% | $0.07 | |
KAS 813.46 KAS | $64.38 | -6.52% | $0.08 | |
FREN 24.10 M FREN | $9.15 | - | $0⁶383 | |
POE 17.13 M POE | $4.87 | - | $0⁶284 | |
PORK 88.40 M PORK | $4.79 | +6.83% | $0⁷542 | |
PNDC 71.53 M PNDC | $3.29 | +5.39% | $0⁷464 | |
GENAI 15.81 k GENAI | $2.44 | - | $0³152 | |
HOPE 2.69 k HOPE | $2.32 | +9.46% | $0³858 | |
DOGE20 191.95 k DOGE20 | $1.81 | +2.99% | $0⁵940 | |
PATTON 3.82 M PATTON | $1.44 | +0.80% | $0⁶379 | |
BONK 799.15 M BONK | $1.30 | -1.95% | $0⁸162 | |
RIO 48.28 RIO | $1.00 | +3.15% | $0.02 | |
ETH 0³143 ETH | $0.47 | +0.36% | $3,279.38 | |
Mog 0⁸878 Mog | $0.00 | +7.65% | $0⁵124 | |
DC 0¹¹310 DC | $0.00 | +22.77% | $0³263 | |
MEME 0¹³443 MEME | $0.00 | +1.18% | $0²712 | |
KANGAMOON 204.09 k KANGAMOON | $0.00 | - | $0²105 |
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