Total portfolio value
+2.49% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
MARVIN 507.80 M MARVIN | $259.63 | +18.12% | $0⁶529 | |
USDT 202.42 USDT | $202.44 | -0.01% | $1.00 | |
ETH 0.07 ETH | $181.33 | -1.96% | $2,700.49 | |
BNB 0.19 BNB | $124.07 | -4.04% | $638.77 | |
WPC 18.77 M WPC | $122.21 | -0.06% | $0⁵651 | |
XSHOP 2.27 M XSHOP | $103.54 | -0.15% | $0⁴445 | |
TRUMPONOMICS 6.78 M TRUMPONOMICS | $79.20 | - | $0⁴113 | |
XCHAT 78.43 k XCHAT | $72.21 | - | $0³913 | |
MARVIN 620.47 M MARVIN | $64.97 | +13.09% | $0⁶106 | |
BLIND 3.25 M BLIND | $63.73 | +3.17% | $0⁴196 | |
MCGA 607.21 M MCGA | $39.11 | - | $0⁷639 | |
PYTHIA 1.60 B PYTHIA | $37.58 | - | $0⁷213 | |
MEGA 22.97 M MEGA | $33.09 | -8.70% | $0⁵139 | |
OPTIMUS 680.15 M OPTIMUS | $26.53 | - | $0⁷395 | |
BULL 77.32 M BULL | $26.03 | - | $0⁶335 | |
$MCGA 2.51 M $MCGA | $23.20 | +0.46% | $0⁵909 | |
TST 4.78 M TST | $15.39 | -13.99% | $0⁵296 | |
KITH 274.05 k KITH | $15.26 | - | $0⁴552 | |
BABYTCC 1.75 M BABYTCC | $13.44 | -3.52% | $0⁵776 | |
Xine 1.41 M Xine | $12.74 | - | $0⁵901 | |
YMCA 308.48 M YMCA | $11.31 | - | $0⁷362 | |
Prawn 284.31 M Prawn | $10.33 | - | $0⁷362 | |
LESTER 1.82 M LESTER | $9.31 | +4.21% | $0⁵507 | |
MAEA 282.07 M MAEA | $9.10 | -21.52% | $0⁷303 | |
ELIZA 489.59 k ELIZA | $7.90 | - | $0⁴159 |
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