Total portfolio value
-1.46% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
hiVALHALLA 352.18 k hiVALHALLA | $294.95 | - | $0³955 | |
hiMEEBITS 44.15 k hiMEEBITS | $87.12 | - | $0²193 | |
ECO 10.00 k ECO | $68.12 | - | $0²683 | |
hiSQUIGGLE 7.18 k hiSQUIGGLE | $48.73 | - | $0²697 | |
hiMAYC 11.66 k hiMAYC | $47.73 | - | $0²398 | |
hiAZUKI 8.91 k hiAZUKI | $37.66 | - | $0²562 | |
ETH 0.01 ETH | $36.36 | -6.93% | $2,452.29 | |
hiCLONEX 44.84 k hiCLONEX | $35.47 | - | $0³893 | |
hiCOOLCATS 64.70 k hiCOOLCATS | $35.17 | - | $0²106 | |
POL 104.32 POL | $27.79 | -3.60% | $0.27 | |
BNB 0.04 BNB | $25.84 | -1.68% | $615.71 | |
CIOTX 1.50 k CIOTX | $25.20 | -7.36% | $0.02 | |
REAU 14.43 B REAU | $23.08 | -7.83% | $0⁸159 | |
PolyMoon 2.55 T PolyMoon | $20.60 | - | $0¹¹639 | |
DMT 1.48 DMT | $13.12 | - | $8.95 | |
ElonDoge 1.30 P ElonDoge | $12.87 | -7.98% | $0¹⁴909 | |
NEBULA 700.00 NEBULA | $10.58 | - | $0.02 | |
PolyMoon 635.81 B PolyMoon | $10.45 | - | $0¹⁰163 | |
WISE 68.27 WISE | $9.88 | -7.64% | $0.15 | |
HEX 3.51 k HEX | $9.32 | -12.92% | $0²264 | |
COVAL 5.65 k COVAL | $9.06 | - | $0²169 | |
QuickChart 655.65 k QuickChart | $8.05 | -7.78% | $0⁴122 | |
POLYGOLD 80.29 POLYGOLD | $8.00 | -0.15% | $0.10 | |
bPRISM 24.89 bPRISM | $7.81 | - | $0.31 | |
SX 121.84 SX | $7.32 | -7.77% | $0.06 |
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