Total portfolio value
-2.76% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
SENSI 2.17 M SENSI | $16.15 k | -2.63% | $0²744 | |
ETH 0²458 ETH | $14.94 | -4.30% | $3,257.24 | |
SafeBurger 417.29 B SafeBurger | $6.93 | - | $0¹⁰165 | |
MECHASHIBA 1.67 B MECHASHIBA | $4.53 | - | $0⁸272 | |
ORANGE 7.84 B ORANGE | $3.47 | - | $0⁹444 | |
BUSD 2.17 BUSD | $2.17 | -0.02% | $1.00 | |
MOONBUS 2.00 M MOONBUS | $1.72 | - | $0⁶860 | |
SNOWBALL 767.31 k SNOWBALL | $0.97 | - | $0⁵126 | |
PinkM 530.20 M PinkM | $0.70 | - | $0⁸125 | |
NFTART 51.74 B NFTART | $0.57 | -3.51% | $0¹⁰110 | |
BNB 0³696 BNB | $0.46 | -2.70% | $668.20 | |
BTCB 0⁵453 BTCB | $0.46 | -2.88% | $102,012.75 | |
Mermaid 175.93 M Mermaid | $0.23 | - | $0⁸128 | |
FSAFE 183.69 M FSAFE | $0.18 | -2.10% | $0⁸105 | |
SMRAT 101.79 M SMRAT | $0.15 | -2.73% | $0⁸151 | |
NCC 2.13 B NCC | $0.11 | - | $0¹⁰510 | |
PUMP 200.00 k PUMP | $0.09 | -1.52% | $0⁶454 | |
CATGIRL 5.07 B CATGIRL | $0.08 | -2.25% | $0¹⁰157 | |
ACA 299.68 ACA | $0.08 | - | $0³260 | |
SKYLARK 2.94 B SKYLARK | $0.05 | - | $0¹⁰186 | |
AER 890.00 AER | $0.01 | - | $0⁵595 | |
KABOSU 473.27 k KABOSU | $0.00 | -2.36% | $0⁸356 | |
KRL 1.00 KRL | $0.00 | -2.43% | $0³894 | |
SpacePi 500.00 k SpacePi | $0.00 | -2.84% | $0⁹915 | |
WSG 500.00 k WSG | $0.00 | -3.50% | $0⁹202 |
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