Total portfolio value
-4.32% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
DOGED 23.01 k DOGED | $60.18 | +0.26% | $0²261 | |
PAPPLE 16.09 k PAPPLE | $43.94 | +6.74% | $0²268 | |
XAIGAMES 362.49 k XAIGAMES | $39.84 | -7.86% | $0³110 | |
NEAI 2.34 M NEAI | $31.11 | -34.39% | $0⁴120 | |
OPTR 61.45 OPTR | $30.06 | +7.71% | $0.49 | |
SEE 4.39 k SEE | $22.79 | +5.83% | $0²528 | |
TEN 537.70 M TEN | $20.60 | -51.61% | $0⁷381 | |
MINIDOGE 147.18 k MINIDOGE | $15.16 | -5.52% | $0³104 | |
MDOGE 4.44 M MDOGE | $11.70 | - | $0⁵262 | |
DEEPSEARCH 105.83 k DEEPSEARCH | $11.39 | +18.93% | $0³127 | |
HURRICANE 52.17 k HURRICANE | $8.84 | -9.58% | $0³162 | |
XINFENG 95.03 k XINFENG | $5.04 | - | $0⁴523 | |
QUANT 200.35 M QUANT | $4.64 | +19.72% | $0⁷246 | |
GEA 110.91 k GEA | $0.00 | - | $0⁴255 | |
TRUTHGPT 15.49 M TRUTHGPT | $0.00 | - | $0⁵594 | |
QTH 4.77 M QTH | $0.00 | - | $0³118 | |
COPIUM 8.50 M COPIUM | $0.00 | - | $0⁴855 | |
XINFENG 74.76 k XINFENG | $0.00 | - | $0⁴445 | |
XGPT 7.32 M XGPT | $0.00 | - | $0⁴140 | |
8CHAN 8.50 M 8CHAN | $0.00 | - | $0⁴947 |
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