Total portfolio value
-0.27% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
ETOAD 20.86 B ETOAD | $5.81 | - | $0⁹279 | |
DMT 3.45 B DMT | $4.64 | - | $0⁸134 | |
SHIBBY 1.69 B SHIBBY | $2.54 | - | $0⁸151 | |
TABOO 10.30 k TABOO | $2.35 | +2.74% | $0³228 | |
LUBE 11.80 k LUBE | $2.15 | - | $0³181 | |
WENMOON 15.48 M WENMOON | $1.93 | - | $0⁶109 | |
FSAFE 1.20 B FSAFE | $1.17 | +0.32% | $0⁸107 | |
BNB 0²118 BNB | $0.80 | -0.03% | $677.27 | |
MOJO 163.90 B MOJO | $0.16 | - | $0¹¹107 | |
SafeJesus 16.91 k SafeJesus | $0.15 | - | $0⁴240 | |
WHIRL 93.29 WHIRL | $0.01 | - | $0³128 | |
FINE 4.01 FINE | $0.01 | -1.34% | $0²159 | |
WSG 1.00 M WSG | $0.00 | -0.53% | $0⁹206 | |
CUMMIES 0.02 CUMMIES | $0.00 | -0.28% | $0²386 | |
LAIKA 4.31 k LAIKA | $0.00 | +1.10% | $0¹¹679 | |
SAFERUNE 617.09 M SAFERUNE | $0.00 | +0.09% | $0⁸172 | |
AUT 23.12 B AUT | $0.00 | - | $0¹⁰116 | |
MPath 24.54 k MPath | $0.00 | - | $0⁵794 | |
SAFEGAIN 343.00 M SAFEGAIN | $0.00 | - | $0¹⁰293 | |
UNSAFEMOON 5.08 M UNSAFEMOON | $0.00 | - | $0⁸614 | |
HAPPYEARTH 133.41 k HAPPYEARTH | $0.00 | - | $0¹³311 | |
CDOGE 430.05 B CDOGE | $0.00 | - | $0¹¹207 | |
STIDDIES 438.70 M STIDDIES | $0.00 | - | $0⁸368 | |
ShibaBTC 3.19 T ShibaBTC | $0.00 | - | $0¹¹609 | |
cDOGE 418.56 k cDOGE | $0.00 | - | $0⁷462 |
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