Total portfolio value
-10.13% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
HONK 3.03 T HONK | $12.35 k | -17.28% | $0⁸405 | |
INFY 2.00 M INFY | $3.12 k | +0.26% | $0²157 | |
TSA 11.78 k TSA | $1.42 k | -2.14% | $0.12 | |
MVRS 11.61 M MVRS | $856.62 | +0.33% | $0⁴735 | |
BOOE 4.20 k BOOE | $830.39 | -10.54% | $0.20 | |
AZEE 351.35 k AZEE | $300.72 | +6.26% | $0³875 | |
MARV 506.33 B MARV | $159.16 | +1.43% | $0⁹318 | |
D82 1.50 k D82 | $137.25 | - | $0.09 | |
GOLD 5.20 k GOLD | $102.80 | +10.53% | $0.02 | |
ARA 419.72 M ARA | $101.91 | -13.50% | $0⁶260 | |
HOPE 124.76 k HOPE | $86.26 | -10.67% | $0³696 | |
PROPHET 117.96 k PROPHET | $80.49 | -10.73% | $0³686 | |
ETH 0.02 ETH | $49.13 | -1.93% | $2,726.07 | |
GBRAIN 91.42 k GBRAIN | $9.13 | - | $0³100 | |
FF6000 164.84 k FF6000 | $7.36 | - | $0⁴447 | |
COSMIC 23.85 k COSMIC | $5.88 | - | $0³247 | |
人民币 77.78 k 人民币 | $5.31 | - | $0⁴511 | |
SNDRN 748.89 k SNDRN | $4.87 | - | $0⁵645 | |
BUCKS 371.15 k BUCKS | $4.55 | +4.97% | $0⁴122 | |
miniMONGOOSE 5.10 E miniMONGOOSE | $3.37 | +4.15% | $0¹⁸660 | |
CANDLE 24.17 M CANDLE | $2.53 | - | $0⁷985 | |
GDOG 106.61 M GDOG | $2.44 | - | $0⁷132 | |
MAGAII 18.21 k MAGAII | $1.53 | - | $0⁴838 | |
PROGE 2.17 T PROGE | $1.30 | - | $0¹²596 | |
BOTZ 158.53 k BOTZ | $1.22 | - | $0⁵761 |
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