Total portfolio value
-7.30% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
BNX 40.55 BNX | $42.29 | -4.57% | $1.04 | |
PEPU 5.44 k PEPU | $34.90 | -9.43% | $0²638 | |
Cheems 32.13 M Cheems | $27.77 | -13.24% | $0⁶865 | |
PIKACHU 1.86 T PIKACHU | $17.54 | -7.22% | $0¹¹940 | |
FROG 19.43 k FROG | $15.74 | -7.87% | $0³815 | |
BOB 1.50 B BOB | $7.90 | -19.77% | $0⁸527 | |
BabyNeiro 2.13 T BabyNeiro | $7.69 | -10.03% | $0¹¹352 | |
BID 126.13 BID | $7.17 | -20.58% | $0.06 | |
CAT 68.48 B CAT | $5.85 | -5.63% | $0¹⁰853 | |
AITECH 113.68 AITECH | $5.58 | -3.43% | $0.05 | |
GoldenDoge 144.99 M GoldenDoge | $3.87 | +1.20% | $0⁷267 | |
SHELL 8.64 SHELL | $3.75 | -1.79% | $0.43 | |
CaptainBNB 398.84 CaptainBNB | $3.53 | -5.19% | $0²895 | |
BIC 1.54 k BIC | $3.31 | +0.50% | $0²215 | |
MAGA 62.14 M MAGA | $3.30 | +30.67% | $0⁷570 | |
ICECREAM 587.31 ICECREAM | $3.29 | -5.19% | $0²558 | |
BNB 0²496 BNB | $3.19 | -3.68% | $641.68 | |
ETH 0²112 ETH | $3.03 | -2.17% | $2,711.48 | |
JINPING 537.85 k JINPING | $3.02 | - | $0⁵561 | |
VINU 133.23 M VINU | $3.02 | +0.52% | $0⁷226 | |
MONKY 1.03 M MONKY | $2.94 | -10.95% | $0⁵285 | |
TST 31.43 TST | $2.90 | -24.58% | $0.09 | |
X314 179.61 X314 | $1.54 | -4.03% | $0²856 | |
FOUR 1.76 k FOUR | $1.26 | -45.38% | $0³695 | |
D.O.G.E 40.05 k D.O.G.E | $1.02 | -2.61% | $0⁴254 |
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