Total portfolio value
-1.19% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
XRP 26.26 XRP | $67.17 | -1.21% | $2.55 | |
Cheems 20.28 M Cheems | $19.48 | +3.21% | $0⁶960 | |
PIKACHU 1.85 T PIKACHU | $17.68 | -6.51% | $0¹¹956 | |
JASMY 647.52 JASMY | $13.72 | -2.19% | $0.02 | |
NEZHA 17.72 k NEZHA | $12.40 | +0.44% | $0³708 | |
PEPE 1.20 M PEPE | $11.20 | -1.90% | $0⁵934 | |
DeepSeek 107.31 M DeepSeek | $4.22 | -10.34% | $0⁷373 | |
BNB 0²328 BNB | $2.15 | -0.40% | $653.43 | |
SOL 0.01 SOL | $2.14 | -2.95% | $168.89 | |
BabyNeiro 337.03 B BabyNeiro | $1.25 | -1.66% | $0¹¹370 | |
ADA 0.57 ADA | $0.44 | +0.17% | $0.77 | |
TORO 26.71 k TORO | $0.34 | -1.26% | $0⁴128 | |
DeepSeek 5.24 DeepSeek | $0.15 | -99.98% | $0.03 | |
PI 286.56 PI | $0.11 | +111.75% | $0³396 | |
DogeFather 404.59 M DogeFather | $0.01 | -99.68% | $0¹⁰133 | |
PI 0¹³820 PI | $0.00 | -4.14% | $0⁴133 | |
Broccoli 0¹⁷900 Broccoli | $0.00 | +17.78% | $0.06 | |
BNBXBT 649.92 k BNBXBT | $0.00 | +1.56% | $0⁴312 |
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