Total portfolio value
+57.02% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
SPLASH 8.24 B SPLASH | $7.45 k | +21.06% | $0โถ898 | |
TRUMPETF 6.33 M TRUMPETF | $224.86 | +551.45% | $0โด358 | |
ETH 0.02 ETH | $55.47 | +1.66% | $3,297.64 | |
National Digital Asset Stockpile 556.12 k National Digital Asset Stockpile | $47.55 | -12.85% | $0โด840 | |
๐ง 10.77 M ๐ง | $38.12 | -0.07% | $0โต352 | |
RR 1.42 B RR | $16.40 | -3.01% | $0โท112 | |
AIB 147.21 k AIB | $12.79 | - | $0โด860 | |
NDAS 53.32 k NDAS | $9.06 | -4.56% | $0ยณ168 |
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