Total portfolio value
-7.68% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
BNB 1.23 BNB | $804.62 | -2.48% | $654.13 | |
TUT 196.27 k TUT | $410.99 | -12.26% | $0²210 | |
LIBRA 4.10 M LIBRA | $55.51 | -84.43% | $0⁴130 | |
ETH 0.02 ETH | $50.97 | +0.90% | $2,793.46 | |
𝕏PAY 95.58 k 𝕏PAY | $26.61 | -7.90% | $0³278 | |
DOGEFATHER 1.35 M DOGEFATHER | $20.18 | +2.05% | $0⁴150 | |
WETH 0²353 WETH | $9.87 | +0.90% | $2,793.46 | |
ETH 0²334 ETH | $9.32 | +0.84% | $2,792.62 | |
SNAKE 538.96 k SNAKE | $9.20 | +1.66% | $0⁴170 | |
TEE 27.80 k TEE | $6.84 | -14.02% | $0³245 | |
HARDCORE 535.83 k HARDCORE | $4.21 | - | $0⁵785 | |
PE 27.98 k PE | $2.97 | - | $0³106 | |
NOBODY 635.16 k NOBODY | $2.92 | +5.64% | $0⁵458 | |
TrumpCoin 71.25 M TrumpCoin | $2.65 | - | $0⁷377 | |
MONKY 804.83 k MONKY | $2.48 | -3.74% | $0⁵308 | |
BODHI 262.70 k BODHI | $1.83 | - | $0⁵689 | |
DAO 7.95 DAO | $1.73 | -0.76% | $0.22 | |
FERRET 35.93 k FERRET | $1.55 | +1.78% | $0⁴429 | |
DUROV 45.23 M DUROV | $1.12 | - | $0⁷247 | |
FREEPAVEL 70.19 M FREEPAVEL | $1.04 | - | $0⁷148 | |
SLASHA 54.08 k SLASHA | $0.86 | - | $0⁴163 | |
$42069 2.00 $42069 | $0.68 | - | $0.34 | |
MONKE 16.49 k MONKE | $0.47 | +0.72% | $0⁴279 | |
POL 1.55 POL | $0.45 | -1.82% | $0.29 | |
APE 0.20 APE | $0.14 | -4.83% | $0.70 |
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