Total portfolio value
-0.55% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
USDC 8.77 k USDC | $8.77 k | - | $1.00 | |
swETH 2.56 swETH | $6.88 k | -0.67% | $2,680.12 | |
rETH 1.00 rETH | $2.80 k | -1.07% | $2,798.61 | |
weETH 0.97 weETH | $2.54 k | -0.93% | $2,630.68 | |
ENS 73.68 ENS | $1.69 k | -3.38% | $22.91 | |
ETH 0.20 ETH | $498.91 | -1.12% | $2,478.86 | |
WETH 0.18 WETH | $435.69 | -1.12% | $2,478.86 | |
OLAS 432.61 OLAS | $203.58 | +1.60% | $0.47 | |
PEOPLE 5.00 k PEOPLE | $99.56 | +15.87% | $0.02 | |
SWELL 4.29 k SWELL | $53.61 | +7.26% | $0.01 | |
SHIB 3.61 M SHIB | $50.80 | +2.46% | $0โด140 | |
CODE 400.00 CODE | $42.96 | - | $0.09 | |
DOBO 43.48 k DOBO | $35.76 | - | $0ยณ893 | |
FLEX 53.84 FLEX | $30.69 | - | $0.16 | |
AEVO 188.75 AEVO | $26.24 | +3.37% | $0.13 | |
BMP 10.00 BMP | $14.10 | +8.04% | $1.40 | |
RSTK 1.35 k RSTK | $8.90 | -9.58% | $0ยฒ652 | |
LUSH 13.29 k LUSH | $8.32 | -4.45% | $0ยณ625 | |
TOBINU 1.37 k TOBINU | $7.24 | - | $0ยฒ527 | |
GAMBLX 17.98 k GAMBLX | $6.37 | - | $0ยณ355 | |
PENDLE 1.62 PENDLE | $4.68 | -2.35% | $2.88 | |
noiseGPT 19.46 k noiseGPT | $3.09 | -8.49% | $0ยณ158 | |
SG 444.75 SG | $2.51 | - | $0ยฒ566 | |
ZK 1.03 ZK | $2.09 | -2.42% | $2.02 | |
BEAST 265.21 M BEAST | $1.59 | - | $0โธ600 |
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