Total portfolio value
+18.68% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
henlo 1.37 T henlo | $1.69 k | -10.23% | $0⁸116 | |
REX 1.29 M REX | $169.82 | +269.82% | $0³126 | |
MINER 12.32 MINER | $55.40 | - | $4.50 | |
LKY 5.26 B LKY | $53.61 | - | $0⁷100 | |
LASER 10.89 M LASER | $47.49 | - | $0⁵426 | |
ETH 0.02 ETH | $35.57 | -5.95% | $2,331.23 | |
TSB 2.07 B TSB | $34.52 | - | $0⁷160 | |
BULL 8.44 M BULL | $33.27 | - | $0⁵391 | |
USD 4.58 M USD | $32.59 | - | $0⁵708 | |
VOLT 88.74 M VOLT | $22.33 | -0.98% | $0⁶250 | |
CDOGE 1.21 M CDOGE | $16.52 | -14.23% | $0⁴136 | |
PEPEC 3.46 M PEPEC | $15.23 | - | $0⁵432 | |
VICTORY 4.60 M VICTORY | $14.44 | - | $0⁵312 | |
GOA 149.42 k GOA | $14.05 | +1.80% | $0⁴814 | |
DENARIUS 8.43 M DENARIUS | $10.66 | - | $0⁵126 | |
SCZR 489.15 M SCZR | $10.38 | - | $0⁷210 | |
EDOGE 2.77 B EDOGE | $9.83 | - | $0⁸331 | |
dongles 201.95 M dongles | $9.34 | - | $0⁷461 | |
MAGA2 147.39 M MAGA2 | $9.30 | - | $0⁷631 | |
POGE 39.36 B POGE | $8.85 | - | $0⁹225 | |
VITC 200.89 k VITC | $7.99 | -17.77% | $0⁴394 | |
FLOKITA 2.00 M FLOKITA | $7.82 | -10.15% | $0⁵394 | |
SPR 1.98 M SPR | $6.84 | - | $0⁵346 | |
BNB 0.01 BNB | $6.82 | -2.50% | $610.12 | |
JANUS 144.98 k JANUS | $5.69 | - | $0⁴388 |
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