Total portfolio value
-99.96% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
---|---|---|---|---| 10.25 k | $24.28 B | - | $2,368,132.88 | |
PAXG 4.07 PAXG | $11.36 k | -0.18% | $2,766.71 | |
BNB 7.92 BNB | $5.37 k | +0.23% | $677.14 | |
aPolWETH 1.62 aPolWETH | $5.31 k | +1.54% | $3,318.24 | |
ARTH.bsc 931.23 ARTH.bsc | $4.85 k | - | $5.21 | |
ETH 1.00 ETH | $3.27 k | +1.81% | $3,289.17 | |
CVP 17.05 k CVP | $2.33 k | +2.45% | $0.14 | |
CRV 1.31 k CRV | $1.01 k | +0.14% | $0.77 | |
XOC 20.43 k XOC | $987.09 | -0.11% | $0.05 | |
USDT 606.47 USDT | $606.38 | -0.01% | $1.00 | |
PENDLE 138.27 PENDLE | $511.58 | +4.34% | $3.69 | |
PAXG 0.15 PAXG | $427.34 | +0.70% | $2,814.31 | |
BRZ 1.64 k BRZ | $423.47 | - | $0.25 | |
cvxPrisma 10.00 k cvxPrisma | $337.65 | -1.63% | $0.03 | |
renZEC 3.88 renZEC | $314.63 | - | $81.16 | |
EIGEN 90.21 EIGEN | $269.48 | +8.13% | $2.99 | |
rETH 0.04 rETH | $220.85 | - | $1,940.17 | |
ALCX 13.28 ALCX | $206.36 | +1.84% | $15.45 | |
MET 508.91 MET | $172.76 | +0.12% | $0.34 | |
mkUSD 143.97 mkUSD | $143.66 | -1.17% | $0.99 | |
BAL 56.71 BAL | $141.73 | +1.72% | $2.53 | |
TUSD 87.90 TUSD | $87.64 | +0.39% | $1.00 | |
STG 237.64 STG | $79.67 | -0.12% | $0.34 | |
INV 1.52 INV | $72.05 | -2.52% | $46.68 | |
RPL 7.71 RPL | $65.86 | +2.53% | $8.53 |
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