Total portfolio value
-2.78% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
BNB 0.89 BNB | $576.24 | -0.96% | $650.56 | |
Terminus 30.86 M Terminus | $205.47 | -2.27% | $0⁵666 | |
Marvin 29.59 M Marvin | $200.49 | -7.94% | $0⁵677 | |
Piper 29.65 M Piper | $147.06 | - | $0⁵498 | |
SWAG 5.81 M SWAG | $137.83 | -18.29% | $0⁴238 | |
KOL4U 17.56 M KOL4U | $137.43 | +0.46% | $0⁵782 | |
AoBing 15.18 M AoBing | $104.42 | -1.22% | $0⁵694 | |
PERRY 12.06 k PERRY | $103.51 | -6.96% | $0²862 | |
blockii 4.92 M blockii | $100.42 | -10.02% | $0⁴203 | |
sgb 12.02 M sgb | $82.02 | -8.68% | $0⁵681 | |
Four 15.97 M Four | $72.38 | - | $0⁵434 | |
4 11.06 M 4 | $67.15 | +125.42% | $0⁵588 | |
BCHAIN 9.33 M BCHAIN | $54.04 | -0.25% | $0⁵584 | |
CLEO 102.49 B CLEO | $50.02 | -0.60% | $0⁹485 | |
zhaoling 7.32 M zhaoling | $44.42 | +1.79% | $0⁵613 | |
BLUEBERRY 2.21 M BLUEBERRY | $22.07 | -70.31% | $0⁴232 | |
FOUR 4.00 FOUR | $0.00 | -10.41% | $0²100 | |
MSN 0⁴100 MSN | $0.00 | -0.60% | $1.47 | |
TYZR 31.42 M TYZR | $0.00 | -2.34% | $0⁵608 | |
Terminus 43.73 M Terminus | $0.00 | +9.41% | $0⁵457 | |
Terminus 35.26 M Terminus | $0.00 | -2.05% | $0⁵549 | |
OCCUPYMARS 35.57 M OCCUPYMARS | $0.00 | +5.29% | $0⁵547 | |
MuskHotel 35.59 M MuskHotel | $0.00 | +7.07% | $0⁵556 | |
OCCUPYMARS 24.00 M OCCUPYMARS | $0.00 | +4.69% | $0⁵543 | |
IDC 0¹⁷100 IDC | $0.00 | - | $0³296 |
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