Total portfolio value
+4.17% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
BNB 0.60 BNB | $392.78 | -2.32% | $654.25 | |
Broccoli 2.35 k Broccoli | $92.00 | +33.65% | $0.04 | |
AIX 3.60 M AIX | $20.72 | -92.89% | $0⁵551 | |
Allinix 3.90 M Allinix | $19.26 | +0.34% | $0⁵499 | |
Equilink 1.61 M Equilink | $16.83 | +216.38% | $0⁴274 | |
AICZ 25.32 k AICZ | $15.43 | -10.12% | $0³608 | |
Catpeng 1.08 M Catpeng | $14.85 | +25.58% | $0⁴137 | |
ARA 1.42 M ARA | $14.50 | -81.80% | $0⁴145 | |
AIbot 2.55 M AIbot | $13.31 | +2.03% | $0⁵522 | |
ZHOA 19.45 k ZHOA | $13.28 | +5.75% | $0³681 | |
Enheng 484.42 k Enheng | $11.13 | -65.67% | $0⁴266 | |
BSCXBT 255.82 k BSCXBT | $10.71 | +137.34% | $0³161 | |
FOUR 70.20 k FOUR | $9.76 | -23.72% | $0³138 | |
BEPITO 1.37 M BEPITO | $8.75 | -12.51% | $0⁵646 | |
GIGGLE 1.70 k GIGGLE | $8.74 | -14.42% | $0²516 | |
ZB 137.95 k ZB | $7.58 | -10.89% | $0⁴547 | |
AiEnHeng 999.44 k AiEnHeng | $5.30 | - | $0⁵530 | |
NEZHA 6.66 k NEZHA | $4.58 | -11.92% | $0³678 | |
Kermit 683.10 k Kermit | $4.53 | -3.80% | $0⁵668 | |
BDOG 76.61 k BDOG | $4.52 | -21.33% | $0⁴602 | |
GROK4 550.07 k GROK4 | $4.26 | -1.52% | $0⁵774 | |
AIBNB 564.59 k AIBNB | $2.98 | -96.17% | $0⁴130 | |
SPURDO 298.53 k SPURDO | $1.74 | -32.53% | $0⁴543 | |
MRP 130.90 k MRP | $0.82 | -1.34% | $0⁵623 | |
TSTXBT 44.13 k TSTXBT | $0.44 | -90.82% | $0⁴121 |
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