Total portfolio value
-4.29% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
$DATBOI 806.33 k $DATBOI | $14.43 | - | $0⁴178 | |
PEPE 58.41 k PEPE | $8.26 | -14.36% | $0³141 | |
Donate 1.03 M Donate | $3.99 | -1.61% | $0⁵378 | |
BNB 0²273 BNB | $1.79 | -2.34% | $654.16 | |
BEE 13.39 k BEE | $0.37 | -31.27% | $0⁴279 | |
USDT 0.21 USDT | $0.21 | - | $1.00 | |
CZDOG 35.40 k CZDOG | $0.18 | - | $0⁵515 | |
SURELY 3.96 k SURELY | $0.06 | -0.97% | $0⁴139 | |
BNBHero 400.37 BNBHero | $0.00 | - | $0⁵372 | |
Malinois 0⁹363 Malinois | $0.00 | +7.06% | $0³330 | |
YiPEPE 0¹⁰121 YiPEPE | $0.00 | -6.18% | $0⁵949 | |
$VDOGE 0¹⁴597 $VDOGE | $0.00 | - | $0²778 | |
BabyTST 0¹³682 BabyTST | $0.00 | -38.86% | $0⁴757 |
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