Total portfolio value
+0.55% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
Broccoli 179.28 k Broccoli | $7.13 k | +18.06% | $0.04 | |
WBNB 10.01 WBNB | $6.46 k | -3.33% | $643.76 | |
TSA 163.36 k TSA | $4.53 k | -1.33% | $0.03 | |
MOODENG 52.12 M MOODENG | $3.72 k | -2.91% | $0⁴714 | |
BNB 4.84 BNB | $3.12 k | -3.32% | $643.81 | |
Listadog 8.92 M Listadog | $2.09 k | -12.59% | $0³227 | |
KOMA 31.41 k KOMA | $1.93 k | -0.53% | $0.06 | |
JOE 67.35 k JOE | $1.76 k | +9.29% | $0.03 | |
AICell 176.64 k AICell | $1.33 k | -8.18% | $0²736 | |
BOB 217.40 B BOB | $1.22 k | -9.80% | $0⁸565 | |
LOVE 11.49 M LOVE | $374.00 | -1.26% | $0⁴322 | |
MAGA 21.13 M MAGA | $359.47 | -4.62% | $0⁴173 | |
YES 146.35 YES | $323.49 | -0.69% | $2.20 | |
FOUR 254.39 k FOUR | $206.30 | -36.46% | $0³809 | |
Broccoli 2.33 M Broccoli | $183.80 | -19.61% | $0⁴771 | |
SWAG 6.81 k SWAG | $148.69 | -1.41% | $0.02 | |
ETH 0.05 ETH | $133.62 | -1.53% | $2,710.19 | |
Etheron 4.45 M Etheron | $55.62 | -22.69% | $0⁴126 | |
BIBI 103.87 B BIBI | $49.60 | -5.93% | $0⁹477 | |
SUC 1.13 T SUC | $44.60 | -2.58% | $0¹⁰394 | |
CARROT 1.86 M CARROT | $24.11 | -28.79% | $0⁴130 | |
Ginger 2.94 M Ginger | $21.73 | -18.39% | $0⁵745 | |
BRETT 2.30 k BRETT | $19.03 | +1.95% | $0²815 | |
wTAO 0.02 wTAO | $9.21 | -4.75% | $412.35 | |
EMoffice 1.38 M EMoffice | $9.18 | -2.70% | $0⁵660 |
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