Total portfolio value
-5.27% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
M87 39.95 M M87 | $4.19 k | -8.59% | $0³104 | |
PTC 157.64 k PTC | $1.59 k | -0.39% | $0.01 | |
KOMA 4.75 k KOMA | $292.42 | -0.02% | $0.06 | |
GOUT 2.15 M GOUT | $138.71 | -9.58% | $0⁴642 | |
ZHOA 204.13 k ZHOA | $137.45 | -0.16% | $0³663 | |
ONDO 71.94 ONDO | $78.45 | -5.26% | $1.09 | |
Cheems 68.89 M Cheems | $63.84 | -8.03% | $0⁶917 | |
TRUMP 689.37 k TRUMP | $49.19 | -3.37% | $0⁴707 | |
PLAY 1.09 M PLAY | $43.20 | -13.81% | $0⁴346 | |
Giggle 250.72 k Giggle | $37.56 | -13.22% | $0³147 | |
ICE 6.20 k ICE | $26.48 | -4.49% | $0²425 | |
ANDY 270.71 M ANDY | $21.56 | -3.44% | $0⁷793 | |
HODL 7.34 T HODL | $20.58 | -2.40% | $0¹¹210 | |
PEIPEI 497.96 M PEIPEI | $19.05 | -2.40% | $0⁷381 | |
YPRED 3.59 k YPRED | $18.66 | +2.92% | $0²520 | |
PEPE 1.91 M PEPE | $17.28 | -4.74% | $0⁵902 | |
TPTDAO 193.05 k TPTDAO | $15.53 | +1.61% | $0⁴796 | |
DUSTY 96.29 B DUSTY | $15.49 | -2.08% | $0⁹160 | |
MVP 1.81 k MVP | $15.24 | -12.16% | $0²854 | |
WOLF 1.93 M WOLF | $14.94 | +0.94% | $0⁵784 | |
Terra 1.12 k Terra | $13.71 | - | $0.01 | |
GEAR 3.05 k GEAR | $12.28 | -1.75% | $0²395 | |
BBTC 0³120 BBTC | $11.40 | -0.88% | $95,548.12 | |
BRISE 132.68 M BRISE | $11.02 | -2.77% | $0⁷833 | |
TURBO 2.91 k TURBO | $10.22 | -7.31% | $0²348 |
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