Total portfolio value
-296.76% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
BNB 0.05 BNB | $34.74 | -2.44% | $640.32 | |
FORM 50.06 k FORM | $34.38 | +649.75% | $0³569 | |
Broccoli 477.46 Broccoli | $21.92 | +29.67% | $0.05 | |
RWT 970.70 k RWT | $14.23 | -81.90% | $0⁴161 | |
Dogeking 629.72 k Dogeking | $6.16 | -27.76% | $0⁵988 | |
BOB 268.15 k BOB | $3.66 | +132.94% | $0⁴110 | |
BADAI 142.27 BADAI | $3.28 | -1.14% | $0.02 | |
real 481.21 k real | $2.57 | +4.60% | $0⁵534 | |
AIAGENT 112.79 k AIAGENT | $0.60 | -94.41% | $0⁵444 | |
testnet 101.61 k testnet | $0.56 | -9.40% | $0⁵550 | |
CHIEFbnb 74.61 k CHIEFbnb | $0.36 | +1.22% | $0⁵481 | |
PI 0.02 PI | $0.08 | -1.98% | $2.85 | |
Giggle 378.70 k Giggle | $0.00 | - | $0⁵529 | |
AI16CZ 136.26 k AI16CZ | $0.00 | -1.62% | $0⁵519 | |
FROGS 1.35 M FROGS | $0.00 | - | $0¹⁴362 | |
PI2.0 83.02 PI2.0 | $0.00 | -100.00% | $0¹⁹975 | |
DCOIN 6.10 k DCOIN | $0.00 | -100.00% | $0¹³147 |
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