Total portfolio value
-2.71% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
wBTC 100.00 M wBTC | $9.49 | -5.38% | $0⁷949 | |
LGK 14.19 T LGK | $1.55 | - | $0¹²109 | |
MoonOx 65.36 B MoonOx | $1.46 | - | $0¹⁰222 | |
SPERM 8.80 M SPERM | $1.46 | - | $0⁶148 | |
ADA 0.72 ADA | $0.69 | -1.22% | $0.94 | |
CTRFI 92.00 B CTRFI | $0.57 | - | $0¹¹621 | |
SUNI 980.00 M SUNI | $0.44 | - | $0⁹449 | |
MNPLS 39.15 B MNPLS | $0.43 | - | $0¹⁰110 | |
Supd 1.74 B Supd | $0.39 | - | $0⁹224 | |
PIT 1.16 B PIT | $0.36 | -0.14% | $0⁹307 | |
CATE 2.12 M CATE | $0.31 | +2.84% | $0⁶147 | |
BABYCAKE 43.35 k BABYCAKE | $0.30 | -0.06% | $0⁵682 | |
PIG 11.99 M PIG | $0.25 | -0.50% | $0⁷221 | |
SPORE 6.49 B SPORE | $0.15 | -0.35% | $0¹⁰235 | |
wXRP 95.00 M wXRP | $0.15 | -1.22% | $0⁸156 | |
CARMA 927.29 M CARMA | $0.11 | - | $0⁹118 | |
MSHLD 1.59 B MSHLD | $0.09 | - | $0¹⁰575 | |
DOG 8.55 k DOG | $0.09 | -0.10% | $0⁴103 | |
CRUSADER 900.00 M CRUSADER | $0.09 | +1.13% | $0⁹100 | |
PORNROCKET 10.45 M PORNROCKET | $0.08 | +0.08% | $0⁸801 | |
BNB 0³100 BNB | $0.07 | +0.12% | $679.20 | |
Cake 0.03 Cake | $0.07 | +0.89% | $2.02 | |
BabyShibaInu 10.17 M BabyShibaInu | $0.06 | -0.47% | $0⁸628 | |
DaddyDoge 10.36 M DaddyDoge | $0.06 | -0.60% | $0⁸538 | |
SAITAMA 465.96 M SAITAMA | $0.05 | - | $0⁹116 |
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