Total portfolio value
-12.73% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
BDOGITO 44.79 k BDOGITO | $181.26 | -5.09% | $0²404 | |
DEFI 5.14 k DEFI | $52.19 | -19.26% | $0.01 | |
BABU 29.98 B BABU | $36.14 | -67.58% | $0⁸120 | |
AKITA 24.85 k AKITA | $14.97 | -7.99% | $0³596 | |
BabyElon 2.22 T BabyElon | $4.91 | -4.24% | $0¹¹227 | |
HINAGI 9.20 k HINAGI | $4.79 | -33.42% | $0³516 | |
BNB 0²514 BNB | $3.15 | -4.42% | $611.99 | |
KAPPY 87.67 k KAPPY | $1.94 | +129.51% | $0⁴221 | |
STARS 13.57 k STARS | $1.25 | -7.52% | $0⁴884 | |
CZB 6.98 k CZB | $1.14 | -4.39% | $0³166 | |
PIA 20.72 PIA | $1.13 | -5.45% | $0.05 | |
ETH 0³430 ETH | $1.05 | -9.92% | $2,420.86 | |
SNAKE 317.13 M SNAKE | $0.96 | - | $0⁸303 | |
SFX 1.14 M SFX | $0.80 | -73.50% | $0⁶702 | |
BabyKekius 13.76 B BabyKekius | $0.54 | -9.20% | $0¹⁰378 | |
USDT 0.34 USDT | $0.34 | -0.05% | $1.00 | |
BBP 51.17 B BBP | $0.22 | -11.27% | $0¹¹412 | |
THEPUG 373.72 THEPUG | $0.00 | - | $0⁵569 | |
AAV 21.50 k AAV | $0.00 | - | $0.03 | |
ACT 60.00 k ACT | $0.00 | - | $0.02 | |
$KANGARO 10.71 M $KANGARO | $0.00 | - | $0⁷723 | |
SHIBABU 5.88 M SHIBABU | $0.00 | - | $0⁶286 | |
BBDOGITO 5.69 M BBDOGITO | $0.00 | - | $0⁸813 | |
Catoshi 3.20 M Catoshi | $0.00 | - | $0⁶387 | |
TRUMP 63.46 M TRUMP | $0.00 | - | $0⁷316 |
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