Total portfolio value
+3.93% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
CULT 798.09 k CULT | $2.15 k | +3.88% | $0²267 | |
BMP 100.00 BMP | $203.89 | -3.00% | $2.04 | |
WPEPE 1.88 k WPEPE | $29.42 | - | $0.02 | |
BURGERS 1.35 k BURGERS | $28.48 | +1.16% | $0.02 | |
DFC 144.21 k DFC | $23.25 | - | $0³162 | |
LUCE 113.44 M LUCE | $22.84 | +1.98% | $0⁶197 | |
GANG 1.21 M GANG | $22.37 | +9.18% | $0⁴181 | |
Midjourney 21.21 M Midjourney | $21.78 | - | $0⁵101 | |
GTFO 1.52 M GTFO | $16.73 | -2.75% | $0⁴110 | |
NLINK 1.03 k NLINK | $11.92 | - | $0.01 | |
ME 27.49 M ME | $9.05 | - | $0⁶329 | |
MBBT 10.00 MBBT | $8.81 | - | $0.88 | |
APU 36.15 M APU | $8.30 | - | $0⁶230 | |
ETH 0²243 ETH | $8.09 | +1.71% | $3,320.04 | |
USDC 7.16 USDC | $7.16 | - | $1.00 | |
GPT-5 4.16 M GPT-5 | $6.55 | - | $0⁵158 | |
00 165.66 00 | $6.33 | -0.74% | $0.04 | |
Coomer 31.16 k Coomer | $3.74 | - | $0³119 | |
BONE 8.59 BONE | $3.03 | +0.96% | $0.35 | |
YEAH 109.62 k YEAH | $2.92 | - | $0⁴267 | |
MILF 106.84 k MILF | $2.71 | - | $0⁴254 | |
BART 438.93 BART | $2.65 | - | $0²604 | |
xtv 104.60 B xtv | $2.53 | - | $0¹⁰255 | |
🧲 1.14 M 🧲 | $2.49 | +16.74% | $0⁵227 | |
GDX 33.38 k GDX | $1.91 | - | $0⁴574 |
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