Total portfolio value
+4.60% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
WOULD 169.15 M WOULD | $809.22 | +70.75% | $0⁵480 | |
DOGESON 1.44 M DOGESON | $805.50 | -20.19% | $0³559 | |
EPANDA 3.83 B EPANDA | $742.57 | -9.55% | $0⁶194 | |
TOKI 674.32 B TOKI | $709.52 | -11.15% | $0⁸103 | |
WICKED 1.19 M WICKED | $702.33 | -5.55% | $0³567 | |
ETH 0.25 ETH | $701.93 | +1.32% | $2,805.95 | |
SKULL 5.01 B SKULL | $612.87 | - | $0⁶125 | |
69MINUTES 37.66 B 69MINUTES | $608.88 | - | $0⁷157 | |
AGURI 2.02 B AGURI | $473.91 | +2.21% | $0⁶241 | |
FEELSGUY 2.02 B FEELSGUY | $465.25 | +45.09% | $0⁶226 | |
ADRIAN 67.42 k ADRIAN | $459.47 | -7.60% | $0²680 | |
TRUMP 1.44 M TRUMP | $452.49 | +20.91% | $0³306 | |
CYBERGAMER 2.84 M CYBERGAMER | $446.03 | -17.75% | $0³152 | |
DOGEJR 32.54 M DOGEJR | $404.15 | -0.13% | $0⁴122 | |
VITALIK 1.05 M VITALIK | $402.92 | +46.66% | $0³378 | |
MarsX 4.34 B MarsX | $384.52 | +48.91% | $0⁷861 | |
LilX 170.60 T LilX | $376.71 | - | $0¹¹221 | |
DOPE 4.66 M DOPE | $371.35 | -3.25% | $0⁴851 | |
CHAINSAW 3.91 B CHAINSAW | $368.88 | -3.67% | $0⁷939 | |
MARS 19.89 M MARS | $345.98 | - | $0⁴177 | |
MIHARU 397.56 k MIHARU | $295.63 | -3.66% | $0³685 | |
MILADY 500.93 k MILADY | $289.81 | -5.88% | $0³578 | |
BOLZ 7.92 B BOLZ | $277.23 | +5.84% | $0⁷348 | |
NDAS 10.46 M NDAS | $272.70 | +6.59% | $0⁴261 | |
KEK 9.32 T KEK | $267.83 | - | $0¹⁰285 |
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