Total portfolio value
-1.24% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
PrinceFloki 1.09 B PrinceFloki | $18.25 | - | $0⁷167 | |
DESU 1.06 k DESU | $11.67 | +2.55% | $0.01 | |
XPR 2.19 k XPR | $10.12 | -21.11% | $0²419 | |
BRISE 38.72 M BRISE | $3.85 | +0.80% | $0⁷996 | |
CXPAD 450.28 k CXPAD | $2.93 | +0.04% | $0⁵651 | |
STARSHIP 59.97 STARSHIP | $2.34 | -0.48% | $0.04 | |
NYA 13.30 M NYA | $2.27 | +0.92% | $0⁶170 | |
DOGE 6.13 DOGE | $2.03 | +0.54% | $0.33 | |
COVAL 610.23 COVAL | $1.49 | -10.96% | $0²244 | |
RACA 6.93 k RACA | $0.97 | +1.50% | $0³139 | |
Flokim 24.43 M Flokim | $0.82 | -1.39% | $0⁷334 | |
BIN 2.34 k BIN | $0.81 | -0.13% | $0³345 | |
KXA 1.08 k KXA | $0.80 | -0.74% | $0³735 | |
TABOO 3.18 k TABOO | $0.73 | +3.28% | $0³228 | |
LIGHT 110.79 LIGHT | $0.69 | +0.92% | $0²622 | |
ORE 5.96 k ORE | $0.69 | - | $0³115 | |
ETH 0³199 ETH | $0.66 | +1.88% | $3,317.72 | |
WETH 0³177 WETH | $0.59 | +1.89% | $3,317.88 | |
ARCONA 64.99 ARCONA | $0.36 | -4.89% | $0²558 | |
DON 100.00 DON | $0.33 | -0.37% | $0²333 | |
DEXI 493.11 k DEXI | $0.33 | - | $0⁶664 | |
WSG 1.43 B WSG | $0.29 | +0.30% | $0⁹206 | |
GHSP 362.80 GHSP | $0.28 | -1.86% | $0³777 | |
POLC 53.61 POLC | $0.28 | -1.15% | $0²522 | |
POLIS 52.79 POLIS | $0.26 | -0.06% | $0²491 |
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