Total portfolio value
+1.25% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
TSA 44.38 k TSA | $1.24 k | +2.64% | $0.03 | |
USDT 982.93 USDT | $983.01 | +0.02% | $1.00 | |
BNB 1.05 BNB | $683.76 | -1.35% | $650.43 | |
TERMINUS 12.24 k TERMINUS | $521.07 | +1.78% | $0.04 | |
ERS 2.68 M ERS | $262.16 | -6.35% | $0⁴976 | |
ETH 0.08 ETH | $227.65 | +0.12% | $2,791.96 | |
TRUMPIUS 23.91 k TRUMPIUS | $223.30 | +9.71% | $0²971 | |
FORK 2.69 B FORK | $215.50 | -4.45% | $0⁷794 | |
MINIDOGE 4.09 M MINIDOGE | $158.45 | +13.17% | $0⁴385 | |
POPPY 90.14 k POPPY | $46.43 | -1.29% | $0³515 | |
VON 157.89 k VON | $22.92 | -0.80% | $0³145 | |
PEP 1.00 T PEP | $21.32 | -1.14% | $0¹⁰213 | |
MGT 85.71 MGT | $0.30 | +0.55% | $0²341 | |
DOGE 2.38 k DOGE | $0.28 | +2.35% | $0³118 | |
CDOGE 0⁸607 CDOGE | $0.00 | -3.91% | $0⁴974 | |
Ban 0⁸766 Ban | $0.00 | +9.46% | $0⁵590 | |
MIHARU 0¹²815 MIHARU | $0.00 | -3.66% | $0³685 | |
MarsTree 0⁸200 MarsTree | $0.00 | - | $0⁷797 | |
Flork 0¹²941 Flork | $0.00 | +2.94% | $0⁴924 | |
CB 0¹²690 CB | $0.00 | +2.74% | $0⁴958 | |
Ban 0¹²524 Ban | $0.00 | +0.88% | $0⁴515 | |
YEAH 0¹²513 YEAH | $0.00 | - | $0⁴231 | |
WIZARD 0¹²584 WIZARD | $0.00 | - | $0⁴125 | |
Daram 0¹²633 Daram | $0.00 | +13.28% | $0⁵277 | |
Miharu 0¹⁴202 Miharu | $0.00 | - | $0⁶192 |
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