Total portfolio value
-0.13% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
SLC 5.07 k SLC | $105.46 | - | $0.02 | |
EFT 826.27 M EFT | $10.31 | -1.27% | $0⁷124 | |
SET 21.24 B SET | $9.23 | -0.10% | $0⁹435 | |
RAINBOW 39.10 B RAINBOW | $8.18 | +0.27% | $0⁹209 | |
SOCA 67.16 M SOCA | $4.87 | - | $0⁷726 | |
ShibDoge 9.75 T ShibDoge | $4.84 | - | $0¹²495 | |
TC 23.41 k TC | $3.85 | +0.16% | $0³163 | |
VTT 8.59 B VTT | $3.07 | - | $0⁹358 | |
SpacePi 2.99 B SpacePi | $2.77 | -0.47% | $0⁹924 | |
PIT 7.88 B PIT | $2.43 | -0.12% | $0⁹321 | |
MetaSMoon 15.43 T MetaSMoon | $1.72 | - | $0¹²111 | |
REDFEG 🦍 11.81 T REDFEG 🦍 | $1.49 | +0.57% | $0¹²126 | |
RET 26.62 B RET | $1.35 | -0.28% | $0¹⁰505 | |
BNB 0²179 BNB | $1.22 | +0.13% | $679.10 | |
FEG 4.57 B FEG | $1.02 | -0.93% | $0⁹226 | |
DIGINU 2.62 T DIGINU | $1.02 | - | $0¹²374 | |
DMT 685.23 M DMT | $0.92 | - | $0⁸134 | |
Drive 78.85 M Drive | $0.75 | - | $0⁸946 | |
ETH 0³218 ETH | $0.73 | +1.37% | $3,314.51 | |
METAPAY 17.61 M METAPAY | $0.72 | - | $0⁷409 | |
VOLT 17.77 P VOLT | $0.68 | +13.84% | $0¹⁶382 | |
MCONTENT 703.15 M MCONTENT | $0.66 | -8.98% | $0⁹884 | |
DogeZilla 107.07 P DogeZilla | $0.54 | -1.95% | $0¹⁷569 | |
EVERGROW 180.99 B EVERGROW | $0.52 | - | $0¹¹289 | |
AIG 200.57 k AIG | $0.33 | - | $0⁵165 |
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