Total portfolio value
-1.32% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
SKUNK 16.76 M SKUNK | $846.96 | -4.76% | $0⁴506 | |
BRICS 13.76 M BRICS | $459.25 | - | $0⁴332 | |
SHARES 1.23 k SHARES | $436.26 | - | $0.35 | |
ETH 0.13 ETH | $412.48 | +0.95% | $3,281.96 | |
COROLLA 379.19 k COROLLA | $363.47 | -1.79% | $0³961 | |
Voldemort 3.31 M Voldemort | $227.50 | - | $0⁴688 | |
SATAN 12.52 k SATAN | $204.99 | - | $0.02 | |
YODA 971.70 M YODA | $116.86 | - | $0⁶123 | |
PEPE 10.43 M PEPE | $73.91 | - | $0⁵708 | |
TFUND 10.93 M TFUND | $50.96 | - | $0⁵464 | |
gato 6.11 M gato | $50.01 | - | $0⁵820 | |
MAGI 3.69 M MAGI | $41.22 | - | $0⁴111 | |
CHAMPION 9.48 k CHAMPION | $40.48 | - | $0²425 | |
$hart 🟤 538.43 M $hart 🟤 | $34.87 | - | $0⁷634 | |
RBS 7.48 M RBS | $33.19 | - | $0⁵438 | |
SAME 5.22 M SAME | $25.54 | - | $0⁵486 | |
MASYA 3.42 k MASYA | $25.13 | - | $0²709 | |
PIKA 1.06 M PIKA | $23.73 | - | $0⁴218 | |
MUNCH 1.79 B MUNCH | $14.98 | - | $0⁸813 | |
HOBBES 620.29 k HOBBES | $8.62 | -1.79% | $0⁴139 | |
DNG 0.59 DNG | $0.00 | - | $0⁵852 | |
SLASHA 0.16 SLASHA | $0.00 | - | $0⁴211 | |
NEMO 0.19 NEMO | $0.00 | - | $0⁴100 | |
FALC 0.18 FALC | $0.00 | - | $0⁵529 | |
💎🙌 0.45 💎🙌 | $0.00 | - | $0⁹754 |
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