Total portfolio value
-16.26% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
๐ 122.42 k ๐ | $81.78 | -20.80% | $0ยณ676 | |
ETH 0ยฒ186 ETH | $4.94 | -4.32% | $2,669.40 | |
BONK 128.15 k BONK | $3.84 | - | $0โด296 | |
DRAGONFLY 62.13 M DRAGONFLY | $2.01 | - | $0โท343 | |
Akira 689.62 k Akira | $1.96 | - | $0โต282 | |
POKEE 10.53 k POKEE | $0.22 | - | $0โด167 | |
@DOGE 16.85 M @DOGE | $0.18 | - | $0โท103 | |
RISY 777.00 RISY | $0.00 | +0.01% | $0โถ114 | |
ORANG 7.69 k ORANG | $0.00 | - | $0โธ719 | |
READY 3.96 B READY | $0.00 | - | $0โด175 | |
BabyMooDeng 562.88 M BabyMooDeng | $0.00 | - | $0โท902 | |
AICZAR 25.99 k AICZAR | $0.00 | - | $0โธ689 | |
HSK 344.72 M HSK | $0.00 | - | $0โด199 |
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