Total portfolio value
-0.49% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
YORK 1.70 M YORK | $35.43 | - | $0⁴208 | |
DOGE 11.06 DOGE | $3.47 | -5.29% | $0.31 | |
ETH 0⁴952 ETH | $0.30 | -4.96% | $3,153.50 | |
BOB 19.05 B BOB | $0.09 | - | $0¹¹454 | |
USDT 0.01 USDT | $0.01 | +0.01% | $1.00 | |
MILADY 0.61 MILADY | $0.00 | - | $0²135 | |
SHIB 0.80 SHIB | $0.00 | -6.56% | $0⁴178 | |
$PG 0.50 $PG | $0.00 | -4.07% | $0¹¹835 | |
MOIRA 0⁸100 MOIRA | $0.00 | - | $0²278 | |
XAI 0⁸100 XAI | $0.00 | - | $0²156 | |
ᕮ(ᵕ.ᵕ)ᕭ 0⁸100 ᕮ(ᵕ.ᵕ)ᕭ | $0.00 | - | $0³250 | |
BITE 0⁸100 BITE | $0.00 | - | $0⁵866 | |
APU 0⁸100 APU | $0.00 | - | $0⁵154 | |
BONER 0¹⁰832 BONER | $0.00 | - | $0⁵849 | |
SI 6.88 M SI | $0.00 | - | $0³147 | |
rBTC 0.20 rBTC | $0.00 | - | $0²210 | |
VINU 1.60 B VINU | $0.00 | - | $0⁷226 | |
SHIBTOOLS 0¹⁷200 SHIBTOOLS | $0.00 | - | $0⁵462 | |
CHONK 0⁸100 CHONK | $0.00 | - | $0⁴118 | |
Bitchie 160.00 k Bitchie | $0.00 | - | $0⁴840 | |
ISEKAI 191.93 M ISEKAI | $0.00 | - | $0⁶124 | |
$PUMP 373.46 $PUMP | $0.00 | - | $0²527 | |
BUCKS 8.00 M BUCKS | $0.00 | - | $49,109,529,641.20 | |
RAI 4.24 B RAI | $0.00 | - | $0⁸690 | |
TBOT 9.49 B TBOT | $0.00 | - | $0⁸388 |
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