Total portfolio value
-0.08% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
BNB 648.62 BNB | $422.19 k | -0.85% | $651.08 | |
ETH 76.50 ETH | $213.33 k | +1.48% | $2,788.47 | |
BROCCOLI 180.04 M BROCCOLI | $1.79 k | - | $0⁴100 | |
DIAMOND 175.45 DIAMOND | $188.28 | - | $1.08 | |
USDT 55.00 USDT | $55.01 | +0.01% | $1.00 | |
GOKU 333.86 B GOKU | $50.27 | - | $0⁹150 | |
Broccoli 1.07 M Broccoli | $16.74 | +21.93% | $0⁴156 | |
1Grok 8.42 k 1Grok | $9.66 | - | $0²111 | |
BONK 0.56 BONK | $8.39 | - | $15.05 | |
TOKEN 73.65 TOKEN | $6.37 | - | $0.09 | |
Moodeng 152.47 k Moodeng | $5.15 | -17.23% | $0⁴307 | |
SIRI 15.00 M SIRI | $5.06 | - | $0⁶169 | |
CHART 120.00 CHART | $4.08 | - | $0.03 | |
CAT 40.18 B CAT | $3.60 | -2.24% | $0¹⁰899 | |
NERD 1.12 k NERD | $3.42 | +22.04% | $0²305 | |
UNIBOT 0.66 UNIBOT | $2.75 | +1.85% | $4.19 | |
MONKY 804.83 k MONKY | $2.54 | +4.00% | $0⁵314 | |
XEN 11.00 M XEN | $1.45 | +3.21% | $0⁶132 | |
ferc 296.61 ferc | $1.27 | +0.14% | $0²354 | |
NEI 40.00 NEI | $0.27 | -1.26% | $0²660 | |
SOCKS 659.87 SOCKS | $0.08 | - | $0³114 | |
HAY 0⁶459 HAY | $0.07 | +6.21% | $146,195.95 | |
STARRY 2.73 STARRY | $0.03 | - | $0²759 | |
CETI 0.13 CETI | $0.03 | -5.39% | $0.22 | |
BLOB 22.07 BLOB | $0.01 | - | $0³692 |
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