Total portfolio value
+1.26% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
ETH 3.23 ETH | $9.10 k | +1.96% | $2,820.09 | |
FFT 154.95 k FFT | $268.18 | - | $0²209 | |
omg 5.00 M omg | $207.37 | -17.05% | $0⁴412 | |
ZEUS 199.00 k ZEUS | $139.58 | - | $0³711 | |
UAP 2.80 M UAP | $111.45 | - | $0⁴396 | |
MOOGA 25.38 M MOOGA | $107.41 | - | $0⁵420 | |
SOY 4.99 M SOY | $89.99 | - | $0⁴181 | |
Groovy 7.33 B Groovy | $84.52 | - | $0⁷114 | |
FLY 72.00 k FLY | $77.52 | - | $0²107 | |
KEK 2.50 T KEK | $71.89 | - | $0¹⁰285 | |
ROI 10.21 M ROI | $69.92 | - | $0⁵685 | |
BYEBIT 660.84 k BYEBIT | $68.44 | -9.25% | $0³100 | |
LADEEFROG 1.34 B LADEEFROG | $64.01 | - | $0⁷476 | |
BRAGON 5.56 B BRAGON | $63.55 | - | $0⁷111 | |
BAKKT 4.83 B BAKKT | $62.55 | +0.82% | $0⁷129 | |
SATOSHI 46.76 M SATOSHI | $55.55 | - | $0⁵116 | |
NOKIA 1.12 B NOKIA | $54.19 | - | $0⁷477 | |
LELE 8.33 M LELE | $51.70 | +25.70% | $0⁵621 | |
MGR 47.98 M MGR | $50.81 | +3.51% | $0⁵105 | |
SETH 7.26 M SETH | $49.78 | - | $0⁵674 | |
ESTI 5.16 M ESTI | $47.95 | +2.00% | $0⁵927 | |
VTAP 4.17 M VTAP | $47.85 | +5.78% | $0⁴114 | |
DLT 101.48 k DLT | $47.73 | - | $0³471 | |
ISO 476.58 k ISO | $45.82 | - | $0⁴962 | |
OOMERS 740.78 k OOMERS | $44.86 | - | $0⁴596 |
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