Total portfolio value
-2.71% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
$ZKP 361.69 $ZKP | $3.75 | -5.87% | $0.01 | |
ANGEL 2.85 k ANGEL | $2.98 | -6.73% | $0ยฒ102 | |
PLOT 702.08 PLOT | $2.93 | +1.03% | $0ยฒ417 | |
CHAIN 247.24 CHAIN | $2.78 | -0.42% | $0.01 | |
stMATIC 8.76 stMATIC | $2.73 | -1.38% | $0.31 | |
NEX 25.96 NEX | $2.57 | -0.25% | $0.10 | |
USV 2.14 USV | $2.53 | -0.65% | $1.18 | |
NITRO 5.88 k NITRO | $2.22 | -2.40% | $0ยณ378 | |
GONE 1.04 M GONE | $2.10 | -2.66% | $0โต204 | |
QUICK 75.19 QUICK | $1.85 | -1.59% | $0.02 | |
RMV 640.30 RMV | $1.82 | -11.19% | $0ยฒ281 | |
ICNX 107.45 ICNX | $1.48 | +3.23% | $0.01 | |
YGG 6.76 YGG | $0.98 | -15.02% | $0.14 | |
TOTEM 1.94 k TOTEM | $0.68 | -2.67% | $0ยณ349 | |
renBTC 0โต664 renBTC | $0.55 | -5.59% | $83,134.05 | |
Cybertruck 649.48 k Cybertruck | $0.36 | - | $0โถ555 | |
Knot 108.42 Knot | $0.25 | - | $0ยฒ232 | |
ZRO 0.09 ZRO | $0.23 | -0.94% | $2.58 | |
jEUR 0.35 jEUR | $0.22 | -0.91% | $0.63 | |
SPONGE 65.24 k SPONGE | $0.20 | -7.58% | $0โต302 | |
AKRE 241.20 AKRE | $0.08 | +9.60% | $0ยณ343 | |
CPLE 0.11 CPLE | $0.06 | +2.50% | $0.54 | |
GCHe 14.11 GCHe | $0.04 | +4.66% | $0ยฒ307 | |
FIRE 0.29 FIRE | $0.03 | -2.93% | $0.09 | |
POL 0.09 POL | $0.02 | -1.00% | $0.27 |
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