Total portfolio value
-0.64% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
BNB 2.77 BNB | $1.81 k | -0.41% | $653.73 | |
PUPX 40.03 B PUPX | $932.13 | -2.51% | $0⁷232 | |
MAUI 14.36 M MAUI | $295.42 | +0.58% | $0⁴207 | |
BINK 310.91 k BINK | $289.93 | -24.25% | $0³924 | |
BNBXBT 55.61 k BNBXBT | $289.79 | -11.15% | $0²522 | |
x286 1.26 M x286 | $140.65 | +6.18% | $0⁴974 | |
Petunia 599.16 k Petunia | $126.66 | +20.18% | $0³223 | |
BFT 6.75 M BFT | $89.10 | +8.21% | $0⁴131 | |
ZHOA 116.41 k ZHOA | $76.25 | +48.19% | $0³658 | |
MOCHI 49.14 T MOCHI | $46.43 | -2.05% | $0¹²958 | |
AICZ 69.28 k AICZ | $42.02 | -13.51% | $0³612 | |
CLEO 76.37 B CLEO | $37.21 | -0.17% | $0⁹486 | |
MAUI 213.50 M MAUI | $34.63 | -2.69% | $0⁶162 | |
MANYU 164.66 k MANYU | $34.50 | +26.47% | $0³189 | |
PHT 6.27 k PHT | $32.80 | +2.64% | $0²522 | |
FOUR 31.22 k FOUR | $31.20 | -15.24% | $0²100 | |
BROCCOLI 425.25 BROCCOLI | $29.38 | -16.66% | $0.07 | |
BRG 348.15 k BRG | $25.66 | +6.65% | $0⁴736 | |
VPR 36.92 k VPR | $25.35 | -2.48% | $0³686 | |
NCT 289.02 B NCT | $22.96 | -8.66% | $0¹⁰794 | |
Cake 8.78 Cake | $21.78 | +5.50% | $2.48 | |
ZILLA 912.20 M ZILLA | $20.81 | - | $0⁸113 | |
CPT 8.37 M CPT | $18.06 | - | $0⁵214 | |
YUKAN 369.49 B YUKAN | $16.88 | +43.85% | $0¹⁰456 | |
CATA 262.30 k CATA | $14.85 | +0.22% | $0⁴565 |
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