Total portfolio value
+3.69% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
ETH 1.08 ETH | $3.01 k | +0.59% | $2,777.21 | |
SVPN 984.94 k SVPN | $1.40 k | +6.10% | $0²142 | |
MOXI 2.57 M MOXI | $404.54 | +25.88% | $0³158 | |
SEE 43.65 k SEE | $217.27 | +4.90% | $0²499 | |
OPTR 458.37 OPTR | $183.61 | -13.47% | $0.40 | |
OCAI 7.65 k OCAI | $179.62 | +7.73% | $0.02 | |
DEEPSEEK 5.58 M DEEPSEEK | $108.31 | -13.66% | $0⁴190 | |
NEAI 3.84 M NEAI | $67.39 | -28.91% | $0⁴175 | |
ARA 166.48 M ARA | $65.09 | +73.65% | $0⁶391 | |
MUSK 992.28 k MUSK | $34.25 | -10.55% | $0⁴322 | |
WHTS 1.09 B WHTS | $28.95 | -6.25% | $0⁷252 | |
BITPLUS 160.05 k BITPLUS | $22.09 | -10.30% | $0³138 | |
STRK 693.07 k STRK | $21.71 | - | $0⁴310 | |
HURRICANE 52.63 M HURRICANE | $19.93 | -1.78% | $0⁶370 | |
BLK 150.32 k BLK | $19.62 | -5.83% | $0³129 | |
FARTCOIN 3.65 M FARTCOIN | $18.42 | +7.27% | $0⁵512 | |
BAMF 402.22 k BAMF | $18.15 | - | $0⁴444 | |
COPER 5.27 M COPER | $17.25 | - | $0⁵326 | |
SYN 2.66 B SYN | $16.71 | -1.54% | $0⁸615 | |
BYEBIT 1.36 B BYEBIT | $15.79 | -51.25% | $0⁷115 | |
BYEBIT 109.13 k BYEBIT | $11.59 | -11.48% | $0³106 | |
BEANZ 3.37 M BEANZ | $11.49 | +4.48% | $0⁵341 | |
APRO 241.83 k APRO | $11.24 | - | $0⁴463 | |
BrainOS 3.92 M BrainOS | $9.65 | - | $0⁵243 | |
ERIC 1.23 M ERIC | $9.62 | -2.42% | $0⁵767 |
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