Total portfolio value
-8.89% last 24h
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Token | Balance | 24H % | Price | |
NEURAL 20.40 NEURAL | $199.39 | -27.61% | $9.84 | |
XRT 35.01 XRT | $107.04 | -20.72% | $3.07 | |
BONE 55.11 k BONE | $95.42 | -2.40% | $0ยฒ173 | |
HAPI 10.28 HAPI | $89.13 | -4.67% | $8.68 | |
Cake 35.95 Cake | $85.64 | -6.75% | $2.38 | |
BabyDoge 20.01 B BabyDoge | $53.24 | -15.10% | $0โธ265 | |
DMT 4.56 DMT | $49.72 | +1.02% | $11.04 | |
GAL 24.56 GAL | $42.76 | -1.71% | $1.74 | |
BZN 400.00 BZN | $31.30 | - | $0.08 | |
SCLP 101.00 SCLP | $30.73 | +36.58% | $0.32 | |
LEAD 46.00 k LEAD | $24.05 | - | $0ยณ524 | |
TOWER 11.38 k TOWER | $23.92 | -9.40% | $0ยฒ207 | |
STARSHIP 459.10 STARSHIP | $19.34 | -2.87% | $0.04 | |
BAFI 42.83 BAFI | $19.12 | -18.33% | $0.45 | |
ETH 0ยฒ502 ETH | $16.46 | -6.49% | $3,280.03 | |
UFO 29.37 M UFO | $15.25 | -5.74% | $0โถ519 | |
MTO 301.33 MTO | $14.97 | -3.48% | $0.05 | |
ARCADIUM 4.41 k ARCADIUM | $13.98 | -6.42% | $0ยฒ315 | |
NCT 15.72 k NCT | $13.14 | +7.53% | $0ยณ877 | |
SKILL 48.85 SKILL | $12.85 | -1.74% | $0.26 | |
KBOX 353.19 k KBOX | $10.68 | -2.40% | $0โด299 | |
BLOK 11.69 k BLOK | $7.60 | -6.22% | $0ยณ648 | |
ANUBI 511.22 B ANUBI | $7.25 | -3.38% | $0ยนโฐ142 | |
RACA 37.99 k RACA | $6.64 | -7.93% | $0ยณ174 | |
VEMP 3.14 k VEMP | $6.63 | -3.69% | $0ยฒ211 |
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